Have been meaning to post these for a while- pictures of me and
darksheik when we were kids:
charliesmum was just asking about Hallowe'en memories- this is Don and me as Captain Hook and Peter Pan. Our mom made the costumes, of course, because she's brilliant. Don won a neighborhood costume contest, and I was livid, because come on, I'm Peter Pan, I'm the good guy!
In retrospect, his costume was brilliant (and now that I look again, eerily reminiscent of Carlos in Thyme of the Season).
It says on the back of this picture it was 1980, so I was 7 and Don was 5.
I don't know whose house this was, nor why there is apparently fondue between us.
Don and I used to dress up in our dad's bathrobe and pretend we were a two-headed monster. That about explains this one.