Went to playwrighting group, and was early, and the doorman told me Lorraine wasn't in yet. So I wandered across the street where there was a game of base ball going on, and watched a little of that.
I wasn't too interested in the game:
But there was a great view from where I was standing:
Guess what my new computer desktop is?
Finally, Lorraine showed up just before the time we were supposed to meet. She of course had been walking Tiger, who is now gigantic, or at least giganticker than he was. Plus, Tiger is super-obedient: he's only 5 months old and can already do tons of tricks.
A few pictures of Tiger So I read the new version of my Butterface piece, which Elana and Lorraine said was much clearer than the last time. Elana had us read an old piece that she's revitalizing about her bitchy crazy grandmother.
Elana's husband wasn't getting home till late, and she asked me and Lorraine to come keep her company for a bit, so we went to a nearby food place (with the dog- the guy told us at first we couldn't have the dog inside, then said it would be OK if we were quiet and sat in the back, then gave us bacon for the dog). Then we got outside and Tiger ran into a friend of his (the big poodle in the pictures), and they played together a bit.
So then I headed out to
actress_in_nyc's birthday party; I'm afraid it had wound down a bit by the time I got there, but there were still 2-for-1 martinis going on, and it was a fun time. I dithered between a real martini and an appletini and decided to be frivolous. Had a lovely time with the remaining friends (we're apparently all being forced into a production of Henry V that
actress_in_nyc will be directing at some point).
actress_in_nyc is also auditioning for 12th Night tonight, so I may see her there.