Feb 22, 2005 14:13
The movie of Ragtime is very odd- doesn't capture the book at all, at all. Still, some interesting stuff going on. No Emma Goldman in the movie- the DVD has a few deleted scenes that featured her, but I couldn't watch them, since the DVD was scratched.
Also watched Orson Welles' Touch of Evil- the version where editors went back and tried to re-cut the movie to be the way Orson wanted it (in his 53-page memo to the studio heads, which is also reproduced on the DVD). Some beautiful camera work, and I loved the use of "source music" through the movie (i.e.- there's not a "score", per se- all the music in the movie comes from sources onscreen).
Mickey also rented Underpants Underworld, mainly to ogle Kate Beckinsale; however, the DVD was unwatchable, so he went back and got Shaun of the Dead, which I'd never seen, and am now glad to jump on the bandwagon and say "Fantastic Movie".
Lorraine from the playwrighting group is going to be directing something soon, and asked to read Prince Trevor and the Elephants, to possibly do it. That would be easy, to just have someone else do it.
Mickey's reading of Apathy is tomorrow night. It should rule. Alex is going to be reading Laka, which will kick ass.
Sami's going to be Babett. I'll be reading, but I'm not sure who yet- Mickey's got some other male actors, and he's going to cast us all on the night.
Saw Erin (who'll be reading Tangerine) the other night at the party (she was the perky redhead), and she said she had a great time at the housewarming party, and she really liked my friends, especially The Goat. Also saw her swoony boyfriend Dennis, who kept stretching in front of me, lifting up his shirt, then teasing me when I couldn't help glancing at his cute shamrock-tattooed tummy.
When Mickey and I hang out, we invariably talk about Florida Playwright's Theatre. The other night he told me a story about how once some of the late-nite theatre people were having a meeting about what to do onstage next, and someone suggested performing old Star Trek scripts. It seemed like a good idea till it turned out that everyone wanted to play Captain Kirk. The meeting deliquesced into a free-for-all with everyone trying to do their best Kirk impersonations.
For the record, Paul Thomas really wanted to play Kirk, but Mickey thought Paul was the only choice for Spock.
prince trevor,
florida playwrights' theatre