Prompt 181: Perfect Day

Jun 03, 2007 13:12

My perfect day?
(Spoilers for Shrek the Third)

This probably is going to sound a little weird. I mean, okay, I space out about this sort of stuff all the time. You know, in the Royal briefing meetings about things that aren't all THAT important. I mean any idiot can hit a ship with a bottle, am I right here, people? While mailing off correspondents to the rulers of the other lands...While I'm actually meeting these people, most of which are pretty old and boring and have that general old person smell or otherwise are snotty twelve year olds who decide they're going to marry you because you're kind of cute in a dorky way, or really just because their royal dads all want them to...

Yeah. I'm a pretty spacey guy I guess. It might not be the best thing for a king, but I'm working on it. So what were we talking about agai...

Oh right. My perfect day. Well let's start out by saying there would be a girl. The Girl even, though I have no idea who she is or would be. But anyway, The Girl and I would just go out and be alone together. Deep foresty bits, a little know what I'm saying...

Yeah that's right...a picnic.

No, I'm actually serious about this one. Before all of the crap hit my life, before the stuff with Mom, thus waay before the whole school thing and everything else, we'd actually go out sometimes, her and Dad and me...and it was just...I don't know...nice. I don't just mean for me, because I mean...I saw my parents being really happy then, even happier than they usually were. Just outside with the birds singing, watching the baby ones learn to fly. I've always sort of liked that kind of thing.

Now obviously since this girl I'm theoretically taking, is The Girl, then she'd like the same sort of stuff as well, since we're being logical and all. It only stands to reason we'd both be able to enjoy something like that, yeah? Showing her all of that, maybe snuggling a little while we were out there just in nature, with me just being Artie, not Artie the dork, or Artie the king (even though the King thing IS really cool, sometimes it gets a little...well boring) but ME. She'd be the kind of girl who wanted to just be herself too, you know.

So...yeah, that's what I'd like to do if I could have a perfect day now. Any of you want to join me?

- Arthur Pendragon ("Artie")
-Word Count: 422
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