Apr 21, 2005 10:02
Maybe Bush isn't so bad. I know he didn't come up with the Soc. Security thing himself. But now that I think about it, it's pretty smart, since seeing most people my age we'll be so bad off with money in the future. We're all greedy americains, scrounging every penny we get, or substituting it on a credit card and such. We're in big time debt, and no one cares. Maybe I should join that french army thing. Any place is better than America ...well except the third world countries. By the time I'm a nurse, I won't be making what my aunt does, which is 30 bucks an hour, our salaries will be cut, because of our deficit.
I like being free, but in the end we won't be.
Gold really is behind the bill, or we'd just be able to print off as much as we'd like. But I could ask the question, why gold?...why not copper,...or something totally pointless...just like gold is...totally pointless. We just said "hey, gold's really pretty, so here's what we're going to do." But that leads to everything is really nothing, and it means nothing as well. When I first met Derrick, he explained the nothing thing, which I totally didn't understand...I didn;t even know that it was nilism. Which is great. I want to learn more about it.