Nov 08, 2011 23:56
You tell me why I want to be awake.
I've been reading though old, tagged posts, and decided I want to post this. It happened Saturday night, and was likely the result of (1) the Fritz Leiber novel I'm most recently reading - I fell asleep reading it; (2) a dopamine (seratonin? I have trouble keeping the two straight, but before this dream I woke myself with the motion of trying to throw a ball to the dog to which I was dreaming about throwing a ball, so I think "dopamine") imbalance; and (3) Room 6, which I had watched on Netflix that evening.
I was part of the crew of an ocean-going vessel. We were all on edge, because we were being pursued by Something Evil.
By concensus we killed the lights, running under blackout and all bunking up at the same time to take advantage of those conditions. I was on a top bunk, just under the deck, and at one point slowly - carefully, so as not to call attention to the ship - shifted my position, rolling over from right side to belly to left side.
It was enough. The bedding came off and I was face-to-face with a shipmate who was possessed by that which pursued us. He was trying to slash into me with a broken handcuff, but I sprang from the bunk and - somehow - ended up with his wrists in my hands while others tried to grapple him from behind.
I don't know if it came from his eyes or from his mouth, but the Evil - a free-floating 8-bit pixellated mass of darkness - passed from him to me.
I shouted, "No!" as I saw it coming, but it entered me. I knew I had to be careful to avoid becoming its servant. I fought it as I felt it rise within me.
I think I was trying to force myself awake at this point; I have vague memories of seeing the room around me and then sinking, terrified, back into sleep. Repeatedly.
Finally, there was a woman. I don't remember a thing about her, except her sex and - I shelter behind the fact that this is a dream - that she was a Witch. I think she gave me instructions, and then I could see a flow of energy - rendered again in low-resolution pixels; hers, bright; mine, dark - between us, through an invisible other node. I changed my dark to light and watched the light spread through the circuit we had formed. She seemed satisfied, but I balked at how this might affect others - at whether it was truly a victory - and the Evil asked, "Are you sure?"
I said yes. The energy circuit flared white and my eyes sprang open. I got up and went to the bathroom, then slept peacefully 'til noon.
I call myself a "reluctant atheist." This is frighteningly appealing to the too-strong part of me that wants to believe.
My psychological reaction? Beef jerky.