John MacArthur

Apr 21, 2022 10:11

☝️This guy is what my last entry was about, the pastor who bravely stood in front of his congregation 20 years ago and kicked Eileen Gray out of his church for not crawling back to her violent husband.

I was feeling so discouraged that the video I posted about it got pulled. Well, paranoid. But I started watching another one, and this really said more about the case, even had the "social justice" reporter talking about her view on it. She more or less broke the story.

I still have to watch the rest of it, but I feel a lot better. Not nearly so many people in the comments are saying "we can't judge". Yes we can. Judgement begins in the church. This was twenty years ago, and MacArthur and his pastoral staff have had that last Ng to repent and do something about their stupid unbiblical behavior.

God disciplines whom he loves, and gives us time to repent. He gives us warnings and tries to talk to our heart. Twenty years.

They wanted the wife to go back to her abusive husband, who was a clear and present danger. She wasn't a stupid idiot, so she wouldn't go back. Period.

The husband was not only beating her and the children, he was raping one of the children. She didn't know about that, she just knew about the beatings.

Also, HE was the one who filed for divorce. Not her. A lot of people said the Bible lies for separation, but not divorce, for a wife. Though Jesus allowed divorce for infidelity. As I thought, and one person pointed out, he did cheat on her, with the child. And frankly, THOUGHTS of infidelity or lusting after another person, are enough. Though that's hard to prove.

This church could not have been more wrong. My problem is how do you have this situation, and NO one on the staff has enough wisdom or experience to figure out the woman is not lying? Or just enough to think twice or follow a hunch. It's because they don't have the Holy Spirit at all.

They listen less and less to the Spirit of God, and more and more to their own ego. You can understand how that would happen, but why haven't they repented?

No repentance and no wisdom, because no Holy Spirit! ( MacArthur has publicly despised those who speak in tongues).

Also, they tried to spread the word that Roy's, who did a lot of the reporting, is a liberal feminist who just has some unreasonable vendetta against MacArthur. Well, she just seems to be as mad as a whole lot of people who have seen things like this happen, for one thing.

Also, the MacArthur defenders say they are on David Gray's side because he is now a prison minister! Well, fine, let him tell his side of the story, now that he's gotten another ten years added to the previous twenty one.

Sigh. I am not even done watching these, but here they are, very interesting so far:

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