remixed drabbles

Jun 21, 2009 14:32

The anonymity period has ended at remixthedrabble, so I'm reposting the two remixes I wrote. I like having a copy of everything on my own LJ, just in case.

You should read the original stories first; not only are they both great, but I'm not sure my remixes work as standalones without the context of the original.

Title: And Change Their State (the Truth Will Out Remix)
Original story: And Change Their State, by astrogirl2
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Jackie Tyler
Rating: G
Warnings: None

There are things Jackie expects from the Doctor by now--mainly cheeky remarks and a habit of disappearing with Rose for months on end--but not that he'd be quiet. For the last hour he's just sat there by that window, drinking tea, letting Rose tell her own uninterrupted versions of everything they've done.

Jackie makes a fresh pot, and he finally looks at her. "Thanks," he says, though he used to turn up his nose at Typhoo. "That's lovely, Jackie, thank you."

What a smile. What a shine in those big eyes.

What a nightmare that must be coming.

Title: Other Days (the Mandelbrot Remix)
Original story: Other Days, by aralias
Fandom: Doctor Who
Character: Simm!Master, Jackson Lake
Rating: G
Warnings: None

I'm not the Doctor, the man says. As though it could possibly be that simple.

The Master has lived in ruined bodies, beautiful bodies, stolen bodies, formless bodies of energy and will. He's lived as a weak and conscience-addled human. He knows the self is a fractal thing, an iteration.

The closer he looks at Jackson Lake, the more he sees the Doctorness. That ubiquitous pattern, commoner than the Fibonacci sequence; sometimes the Master thinks the universe is Doctors all the way down.

And so the Master rewrites. Takes the memories, flattens the recursion into linearity.

Simplicity has its uses.


fic: drabbles, fic: doctor who, fic: 2009

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