fannish 5

Jun 19, 2009 10:32

This week, fannish5 asks which five characters would be most pleased if they could read what fans were writing about them, and which five would be most shocked.

Most Pleased

5. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). She's canonically a fanfic writer herself, so she's cool with the concept, and I think she'd be flattered that people find her sexy. But she might be less than thrilled by fics that pair her with, say, Spike.

4. The Master (Doctor Who). He'd e-mail the URLs of his favorites to the Doctor, too.

3. Mike Henderson (Hyperdrive). Suffice it to say that after he and his crew were forced to appear on an intergalactic reality show, he was jealous that his second-in-command had a bigger gay following.

2. James T. Kirk (Star Trek). The reboot version would be thrilled to bits and would probably read choice excerpts out loud over the ship's communications system; the original would just go around grinning quietly, but very smugly, to himself.

1. Jack Harkness (Doctor Who and Torchwood). Jack probably writes his own fanfic.

Most Shocked

5. Nicholas Angel (Hot Fuzz). He'd contemplate legal action on invasion of privacy grounds. Then he'd read every single fic in existence and send tactful but firm e-mails to the authors whenever they got police procedures wrong.

4. Charles Xavier (X-Men). If people have time on their hands and a sympathetic interest in mutants, they should be working for the cause. (This--apart from a definitional disagreement about "working for the cause"--is Magneto's opinion as well. He does read some of the Xavier/Magneto porn in secret, but not too often because it makes him sentimental. And horny.)

3. Fitz Kreiner (Doctor Who). "Girls think about blokes doing that? They WRITE about that? Anji, do you think about, I mean, you know . . . "

"Certainly not in relation to you, Fitz."

"Oh thank fuck. No, wait, hang about. Why not?"

2. Kerr Avon (Blake's 7). The words "conniption fit" come to mind. Because he hates Blake. Surely that's obvious. Hates him so much that Blake is all he can think about. How ridiculous of people to misunderstand.

1. Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Confronted with fanfic, especially anything shippy, Giles would polish his specs until he wore holes in the lenses, all the while wishing the end of the world would hurry along.


fandom: buffy, fandom: torchwood, fandom: star trek, fandom: doctor who, fandom: x-men (movies), fandom: pegg and/or frost, fandom: doctor who (eight), fandom: blake's 7, memes

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