Daily Update: Monday, February 07, 2010

Feb 07, 2011 02:13

News and Information

We hope you're all doing well!  Here are the things you should know about!

1. Please check out our Apply for Staff page.  We are in real need of some new members to keep up with hetalia_kink 's inexorable march forward.  At this time, we are severely understaffed.

2. The Kindex Delicious is moving at a fast pace and is now at Part 8!

3. We had a major tagging revolution when it came to the d:crossover tag. Due to its high recurrence, we decided to break the tag down into smaller and more specific categories for easier searching. 
When tagging, we will use the original medium that is being crossed over unless specified otherwise.  For example, you will find crossovers with V for Vendetta or Watchmen in the d:crossover - comics section, as they were first published in comic book or graphic novel form.  A crossover with Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame, however, will go into d:crossover - movie/tv show since it references the movie and not Victor Hugo's 1831 novel.

4. Please help us out at The De-Anon Post!  Sometimes we'll be a little slow, due staff issues and the need to find the entries in question at times, but it really helps us out.

5. Want to affiliate with us? Just fill out an Affiliate Request Form. :)

6. Tagging is difficult work, especially when it comes to kinks. We do our best, but we've decided to open a Delicious Bookmark Corrections Request page, in case anyone feels that we mis-tagged or are missing tags on the Kindex Delicious.

7. The New Layout -- The primary admin felt that the previous layout was a bit too busy for the eye. She searched high and low for a nice, streamlined template and she hit on this one.   If there are any issues with it, please Contact the Staff and let us know!  We can't do anything about it if we don't hear from you.

And just to set the record straight:  the layout is green because it fits with the Hungary picture...and not because the other admin happens to be from Wisconsin. XD

- The Kindex Staff.

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part six: fill] Canada's First Love [Canada/Russia] -- Despite what Canada's family may think, Russia really does want to look after him and make sure he gets better.

- [part seven: fill] Answer to my Wishes [America, bunny!England] -- A young boy finds a rabbit and takes care of it.

- [part seven: fill] Not a Kirkland [England, Wizarding-England-tan] -- England and his other-self have a conversation.

- [part nine: fill] Metamorphoses [OC!Nations] by elysiumspirit / Sally Elric @ FF.Net -- [summary provided by author]: "Xerxes has fallen, and from its ashes, a new nation is born. This is the story of Amestris, from his birth to the Promised Day."

- [part nine: fill] Epic Snowball Fight of Doom [Ensemble] -- A snowball fight for the ages.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Japan] -- The King of Yaoi begs to differ. He thought the fill was so well done that he misfired.

- [part nine: fill] HetaliaHolic [England, Norway] -- England needs help - the kind of help that Norway can provide.

- [part nine: fill] True Companion [Germany/France] -- A kitten delays Germany on his way home. Fortunately, France is understanding.

- [part nine: fill] Rhythm and Blues [ensemble] -- The nations express themselves through poets' words.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Netherlands, America] -- America is happy to hear that Netherlands named one of his towns after him. Netherlands isn't going to correct him.

- [part nine: fill] Vorspeil [Native!America/England] -- "A semi-realistic look at how England and America could have first met, mixed with the story/legend of Pocahontas and John Smith. Native!America/England"

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Prussia/England, Ensemble] -- "Arthur might have been able to kick Francis’ ass, but Gilbert was going to kick Arthur’s ass if the blond didn’t get out of his brain soon."

- [part nine: fill] Amber Castles [Spain, Isabela I of Castile] -- "He holds her withered hands in his, daring to touch her as no one else would."

- [part nine: fill] Snow Child [Sweden, Christina of Sweden] -- "But the actions of kings could never be quiet, unnoticed. That was not the way of the world."

- [part nine: fill] The Other Side of the Door [Japan, China, Greece] -- Forced to move with his brother to a new town, Kiku meets the neighbors and discovers that his new home is not what it seems.

- [part nine: fill] Lemonade [America, Canada] -- America tries to earn money with a lemonade stand. Canada points out the flaw in his plan.

- [part nine: fill] Re- [Denmark/Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Iceland] -- Denmark hears that Norway is now independent.

- [part nine: fill] Days of Winter [General Winter, America, Canada, England, Russia] -- [summary provided by author]: "General Winter kidnaps America and Canada, England and Russia go on a quest to save him."

- [part nine: fill] A Magic Charm [China, Japan] -- China remembers to use a charm he always used when Japan hurt himself.

- [part nine: fill] Kiss It Better [France/England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales] -- Whenever England's brothers pick on him, France is always there to make him feel better.

- [part nine: fill] Kisses are My Specialty, Ma Petite Soeur [France, Seychelles] -- Seychelles has a little fall, and France is there to help his little girl.

- [part nine: fill] Heaven [Spain/Belgium] -- Spain, Belgium and some chocolate.

- part nine: fill] Last Waltz [Austria/Hungary] -- Maybe if they kept waltzing, they could stay together.

- [part nine: fill] By Chance [Hong Kong/Taiwan] -- "She bows and she scurries into the Museum, disappearing into the shifting crowds. But he could still smell her, fruit and flowers, even through the swell and stink of so many people, the stench of London."

- [part nine: fill] Equality [America/England, France, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill] -- He'll only be able to say it when he knows that they're equal.

- [part nine: fill] The Battle of the Bulge [Russia/fem!America] -- A misunderstanding leads to a bad day for Ivan and Amelia.

- [part nine: fill] Come Again Another Day [California, America, ensemble] -- California interrupts a meeting to get advice from her parents on a serious problem - it's raining!

- [part nine: fill] The Birds and the Bees [England, British Colonies, ensemble] -- Getting his colonies together for The Talk was hard enough, and that's the least of England's worries.

- [part nine: fill] Heartbeat [England/America] -- Even the strongest nations need some comfort sometimes.

- [part nine: fill] Trust [Austria, Hungary, Prussia] -- Austria confesses to Hungary that he is not interested in a sexual relationship, and they reach an agreement.

- [part nine: fill] Belligerence [Turkey, Hungary] -- Young Hungary defies Turkey’s order to wear a headscarf, and his irritation is implacable.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Canada/Gotenks] -- Gotenks’ adventure at an amusement park in Canada.

- [part nine: fill] I Hope You've Got Condoms [Russia/fem!England/America] -- All she wanted was a moment of quiet to read, and now she had to be involved with their bickering.

- [part nine: fill] patterns of an english garden [England/Japan] -- Japan is a good host. That is the only reason why he keeps things that England likes around. It's just to make his guest comfortable, no more than that.

- [part nine: fill] To Ten Million Fireflies [America/Japan] -- Counting sheep and saving Princess Peach can't compare to Japan.

- [part nine: fill] Close Your Eyes [Estonia/Latvia] -- Raivis has an important interview tomorrow; he's too nervous to sleep. Eduard does his best to reassure him.

- [part nine: fill] Deep Breath [Greece/Japan] -- Staying awake is not so bad. Not when he can see Japan at his cutest and sunrises at their most beautiful.

- [part nine: fill] Invisible Wizard [Canada, Ukraine, ensemble.] -- It's the start of Matthew's first year at Hogwarts and it's already eventful.

- [part nine: fill] When I Was Cool [Nordics, ensemble] -- A morning at the World Academy, through five different perspectives.

- [part nine: fill] Tenderness [France/England, America, Canada] -- England has done enough on this important day. Now it's France's turn.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part two: fill] It's not just a contest, it's srs business [Turkey, Russia, Greece, ensemble] -- Turkey is disappointed by not winning Eurovision 2008.

- [part three: fill] Well, This is Awkward [Spain/South Italy, ensemble] -- Spain and South Italy's...predicament makes the meeting very exciting. For everyone else.

- [part four: fill] Wishes that became Dreams [America, ensemble, OC!nations] -- America goes too far in an argument with England.

- [part six: fill] Under a Sunless Sky [Canada, America, OC!young-nation] -- World War III takes its toll on everyone, especially Canada. But there is still hope.

- [part six: fill] My Fair Lady [South Italy/America] -- South Italy gets bored playing with all of Spain's girl-colonies. They're so annoying. But this one isn't...

- [part seven: fill] Fire and Ice [OC!American States] -- Just because they're part of the same country does not mean that they get along. At all.

- [part seven: fill] The Best Laid Plans [America/Lithuania, US States] -- The states, despite their disagreements, can all agree that it's time America gets to be with their nanny.

- [part seven: fill] Scarf Napped! [Russia/America] -- America is called upon to help deal with Russia's confusion and anger.

- [part nine: fill] Under the Darkness [Latvia/Sealand, Russia] -- Latvia sets his plan in motion.

- [part nine: fill] Blood [Fem!England, America, Canada] -- She had her chance. Now she has to pay.

- [part nine: fill] The Liar's Heart [OC!Human, America/England] -- England's in a relationship with a human, but he hasn't quite seen what their relationship is really like...

- [part nine: fill] Ever a Surprise [Iceland/Seychelles] -- "Iceland had the talented hands of a master musician."

- [part nine: fill] Sick Duty [Denmark/Iceland, Denmark/Norway] -- Norway’s suspicions regarding Denmark’s intentions towards Iceland will be confirmed.

- [part nine: fill] Because I Care [Germany, Prussia, England] -- Germany knows he was wrong, and he's prepared to take the punishment. Good thing, since Prussia's taking it very seriously.

- [part nine: fill] Enchantment [Spain/South Italy] -- France lets South Italy in on a little secret: the best feature of Spain's body isn't that famous ass.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part seven: fill] Eden [fem!England/Prussia] -- Prussia/fem!England: Sex on the battlefield.

- [part nine: fill] The Longest Road [Canada/America, OCs] by jinsai -- [summary provided by author]: "In the future, North Korea launches a war that will re-shape the world. The United States and Canada, wrecked by nuclear attacks and plague, fall into chaos. Now, almost two decades later, people have started to turn to some of the few governmental institutions to have survived - those of the native peoples of those lands. Led by the boy from a 400-year old prophecy, they will need to carve out a new future for themselves. And Matthew and Alfred, the nations of Canada and the United States of America, will need to do the same."

- [part nine: fill] And it's all nice and cute, working for the UN... not. [Ensemble] -- Lucas's job was simple: find the Finnish representative. He finds a whole lot more than that. Plus, it seems like everyone's gay around here.

- [part nine: fill] Submissive [America/Russia] -- “Who are you trying to fool, asshole? You’re getting off on this.”

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Turkey/Netherlands/Andorra, ensemble] -- Everybody enjoys visiting Andorra.

- [part nine: fill] Cultural Exchange [North Italy/Taiwan] -- There's a few layers of fabric between them, but that's no impediment.

- [part nine: fill] For Favors and Love [Russia/Belarus] -- What she wants is his love, but she'll take what she can get.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Russia/England, America] -- America knew Russia and England had an intense relationship; he hadn't expected it to be so disturbing to see.

- [part nine: fill] The Walls are Paper-Thin [America/OC!Human, England/France, Russia/China] -- America and his girlfriend unknowingly cause a chain reaction.

- [part nine: fill] Sketch [Lithuania/Belarus, Latvia/Ukraine] -- Even sensible nations can succumb to their needs.

- [part nine: fill] Mirrored [Korea/Vietnam] -- "She falls forward then and he is there to catch her, even when the impact knocks all the breath out of his body."

- [part nine: fill] Preventative Measures [Russia/Canada] -- Canada is given to Russia by the other nations, and Russia does not hesitate to use him for his own amusement.

- [part nine: fill] Somebody to Love [Russia/Lithuania] -- Russia convinces Lithuania that what they need is a child in their house.

- [part nine: fill] Un Jour Avec Francis Bonnefois~ [France, ensemble] -- France narrates his day. Even though many people find this irritating, he's still getting laid.

- [part nine: fill] Acclimation [New Zealand/Australia] -- Australia wishes they didn't have to take so many precautions. New Zealand, however, does his best to find ways to deal.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [OC!Sicily, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, North Italy, South Italy] -- A brief review of Sicily’s history, and why he doesn’t wish to be mistaken for either of the other two Italy brothers.

- ★★ - [part nine: fill] Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece [Rome/Ancient Greece] -- Rome obviously believes those curves should be uncovered.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Buono Fratello [North Italy/South Italy] -- North and South Italy, their first time together, and with the younger one topping.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [Hungary/fem!Prussia] -- "Hungary always tops."

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [South Italy] -- South Italy, wearing fluffy white cat ears and a tail...and nothing else. (1st fill)

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [South Italy] -- South Italy, wearing fluffy white cat ears and a tail...and nothing else. (2nd fill)

Other Media Fills

- ★★ - [part nine: fill] England's Hard [America/England] -- A re-subbed version of a particular scene...

Updated Entries

- ★ - [part seven: fill] Curses [France/Fem!England] -- A beautiful princess rumored to be insane might just be the solution to breaking Prince Francis' curse. Too bad that she apparently hates Frenchmen. (Parts 4 - 6 linked, fanart linked)

- ★ - [part seven: fill] Hetalia Enterprise - Leading Business of the Future [Ensemble] -- Hetalia Enterprise: a company with a unique and diverse staff. (Part 2 linked)

- ★ - [part seven: fill] Corrected Vision [America, England, Sweden, Austria, ensemble] -- In another instance of England's magic misfiring, seven nations (Sweden, America, Canada, Austria, Estonia, Mongolia and Thailand) switch glasses. What happens next is... rather confusing. Can England fix this before Sealand gets scarred for life or Thailand takes over the world?

- ★★ - [part two: fill] Sweet Apologies [Germany/Belgium] by dynastic / roughallover -- The war has long been over. Maybe she's forgiven him by now. Germany, shy and encouraged by his obnoxious brother, goes to see Belgium. (Status revised to reflect its completion.)

De-anoned Fills

Special thanks to these kind folks in finding these: chaos_prodigy , insomniel ,melina_blue

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Metamorphoses [OC!Nations] by elysiumspirit / Sally Elric @ FF.Net -- [summary provided by author]: "Xerxes has fallen, and from its ashes, a new nation is born. This is the story of Amestris, from his birth to the Promised Day."

- ★★ - [part two: fill] Sanctuaire [France/Russia] by etre_sans_age -- Russia comes to France's house for a visit.

- ★★ - [part two: fill] Snowbirds [Canada/America] by etre_sans_age -- The brothers spend time hanging out together.

- ★★ - [part two: fill] Blood on Blood [Belarus/France] by etre_sans_age  -- Belarus has France pinned to the bed.

- ★★ - [part two: fill] A Fire Growing [Sweden/Finland] by halflight007 / lenarix_klinde  -- Sweden is very gentle.

- ★★ - [part two: fill] Sweet Apologies [Germany/Belgium] by dynastic / roughallover -- The war has long been over. Maybe she's forgiven him by now. Germany, shy and encouraged by his obnoxious brother, goes to see Belgium.

- ★★★ - [part one: fill] Give Thanks [Turkey/America, Canada] by etre_sans_age  -- Turkey comes over to celebrate Thanksgiving with America and Canada, with some plans for the former.

- ★★★ - [part one: fill] Still Not Your Chambermaid [Russia/America, France/America, Canada/America] by etre_sans_age  -- America has to learn his lesson.

- ★★★ - [part one: fill] Hole In the Head [Russia/Prussia] by miaoujones -- "Gilbert knows he shouldn't look, not yet, not fucking yet. Their eyes meet."

- ★★★ - [part one: fill] The Truth Inside a Dream [North Italy/Germany] by halflight007 / lenarix_klinde  -- North Italy doesn’t want Germany to form an alliance with Austria, and does what he can to prevent him from leaving. (the title has been changed from "Something to Come Home To")

- ★★★ - [part two: fill] Service with a Smile [England/France/Prussia] by etre_sans_age  -- Prussia interrupts some intimate time between France and England.

- ★★★ - [part two: fill] Between Dusk and Dawn [France/America] by etre_sans_age  -- Father and son meet in Louisiana, and their pleasure in meeting once more is great indeed.

- ★★★ -  [part two: fill] Light a Fire in the Sky [Russia/America] by 2heavenlyblinds  -- The world is ending over nothing.

- ★★★ -  [part nine: fill] The Longest Road [Canada/America, OCs] by jinsai -- [summary provided by author]: "In the future, North Korea launches a war that will re-shape the world. The United States and Canada, wrecked by nuclear attacks and plague, fall into chaos. Now, almost two decades later, people have started to turn to some of the few governmental institutions to have survived - those of the native peoples of those lands. Led by the boy from a 400-year old prophecy, they will need to carve out a new future for themselves. And Matthew and Alfred, the nations of Canada and the United States of America, will need to do the same."


Please report any errors or issues at our main site, hetalia_kindex .

Thank you for following us!  We hope we can continue to satisfy your kink meme needs.

update, 2011 / 02 - february 2011

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