Daily Update: Thursday, January 13, 2010

Jan 13, 2011 16:18

News and Information

Update complete. Total new fill-entries: 144.

Any further changes today will be updates on existing entries, de-anoning, and tagging maintenance.

Fic:  ★  - 1 Star Fills

- [part six: fill] Shelter [Sealand, Sweden/Finland] -- Sealand wakes from a nightmare in the middle of the night, and seeks his dads (Sweden and Finland) for comfort.

- [part eight: fill] The Perfect Height [America, England, France, Canada] -- Did you know Awesomesauce H. Kirkland America won the French Indian War for England? Cuz he totally did!

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America, Canada, England] -- England gets a little lesson about the traditions of the natives of Canada and America.

- [part nine: fill] Wake [France, Prussia, Spain, Germany] -- Prussia manages to be annoying even after he is supposed to have died. His friends are not surprised by this.

- [part nine: fill] And the Rockets' Red Glare [England, America] -- England did his best to not cry during the service.

- [part nine: fill] Home of the Brave [England, America] -- America feels everything that has happened during that fateful day, and England tries to be there for him afterward.

- [part nine: fill] Spring [Germany, Prussia, France] -- The truth is still unbearable to Germany, and what he feels for Prussia won’t be enough to bring him back.

- [part nine: fill] Not Skinny Enough Yet [Fem!America, England] -- After punching England in the face, America resolves to lose the extra weight. But does she go a little too far?

- [part nine: fill] Business as Usual [Fem!America, Prussia, Canada, England, Japan, ensemble] -- Some of the nations comment on America being a little chubby, and the female nations won’t stand for it.

- [part nine: fill] Real American Heroes [America, Canada, Poland, Russia, China, cast of Watchmen] -- One by one, each of the Watchmen meet their unforgettable nation.

- [part nine: fill] Sunrise [Rome/Germania] -- Rome likes the feel of silk.

- [part nine: fill] Patriotic Spirit [China, Hong Kong, America] -- China's not amused by Hong Kong's choice in clothing.

- [part nine: fill] The Old Train Trick [Canada/Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania] -- Poland comes up with a brilliant plan for Ukraine to get Canada's attention...in which Canada may really need to save her from.

- [part nine: fill] Revolutions [OCs, Russia] -- Revolutionaries decide to conjure up their nation's personification.

- [part nine: fill] Sunshine [Prussia/Belgium] -- Belgium's there for him when no one else is.

- [part nine: fill] Apocalypse, Please [America, Germany, North Italy, Japan, ensemble] -- Dr. Alfred Jones's latest discovery has some unexpected results.

- [part nine: fill] Gilbert Beilschmidt & the Case of the Silver Tentacle Monster [Prussia, ensemble] -- Gilbert Beilschmidt, PI, is on the case - even if it's a tentacle monster named Ludwig that he's investigating for.

- [part nine: fill] When the World Comes Crashing Down [Spain, France, England, South Italy] -- The attack was out of nowhere, brutal and devastating. But there was someone with him as well.

- [part nine: fill] Escape from the Louvre [England, Norway, Finland, France] -- Norway and England’s magical skills are needed to manage a daring escape for all three from the Louvre.

- [part nine: fill] All You'll Let Me Be [China/Taiwan] -- Taiwan tries to prove to China that age does not equal experience, that even though she is young, she has the body of a woman.

- [part nine: fill] The Night Outside of the Window [fem!Spain/fem!South Italy] -- It started out as a relatively peaceful night together, Spain braiding her hair.

- [part nine: fill] Little Miss Taren [England, America, OC] -- England is accosted by a typical friendly American girl at the airport, who is the epitome of “ignorance is bliss.”

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America, Canada] -- America realizes that being a judge in the cooking contest might not work out as well as he thought.

- [part nine: fill] Never Saw It Coming [Poland/Lithuania, England, ensemble] -- Feliks didn't want to go to boarding school in the first place, and having everyone believe he's a girl isn't helping.

- [part nine: fill] The Race to Land on Iceland's Shores [Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden] -- Everybody's got an opinion about who Iceland should lose his virginity to.

- [part nine: fill] Feeling Useless [Austria, Prussia] -- Austria is surprised by help from an unexpected source.

- [part nine: fill] For It's Early in the Morning [England, Canada, OC!Nova Scotia, OC!Newfoundland] -- England shares a drink and some memories with two of Canada’s provinces.

- [part nine: fill] Dancing with Cinderella [Austria/Hungary, OC] -- Austria and Hungary share years of bliss raising their daughter, knowing that one day they will outlive her.

- [part nine: fill] Love of Roses [France/America] -- France is very amused when America finally makes the connection between the flowers of their choice, and intends to further the connection. America doesn’t really mind.

- [part nine: fill] LIKE TOTALLY AWESOME [Poland, Prussia] -- Young Prussia is insulted when Poland disses his favorite catchphrase, but when he suggests the word “awesome” to replace it, all is, well, awesome.

- [part nine: fill] It's Personal [Denmark/Norway] -- Norway believed that their marriage was a private affair. There is certainly no need for the rest of the world to know about it. The rest of the world, apparently, disagrees.

- [part nine: fill] Everyone Saw it Coming [Germany/North Italy, Prussia] -- Germany remembers the events that led up to North Italy's proposal.

- [part nine: fill] To Be a True Hero [America, Canada, Sealand, Liechtenstein, Seychelles] -- It's a tough life on the streets for these kids. But things are about to get very strange...

- [part nine: fill] One [Germany (HRE), Prussia] -- Who is he? He has had so many names. But he's willing to embrace this new powerful identity over that old weak name.

- [part nine: fill] Just Because You get to Have Fun Doesn't Mean Awesome Me Should Suffer! [Austria/Hungary, Prussia] -- Prussia swiftly mediates Austria and Hungary's sex problem. Because an awesome nation like him needs his beauty sleep.

- [part nine: fill] Drought [Prussia, Germany] -- "There is a flash of (pain and warmth and hazy hazy hazy throbbing red and slick and metallic is that him is that his) something, and Ludwig remembers the feel of those teeth on his neck and wrists, the smaller pains against a larger one, drowning in viscous blackness before waking up again."

- [part nine: fill] And the Wall Came Tumbling Down [Russia/Prussia] -- He didn't want to leave.

- [part nine: fill] Why After So Long They Should All Be Neutered [Ensemble] -- Glimpses of each couples' children.

- [part nine: fill] WWIII...er...Bring Your Kid to Work Day [Ensemble] -- The kids prepare to go to the "Bring Your Kids to Work Day" at the next world meeting.

- [part nine: fill] Prussia's crappy tent [Prussia/Spain, Germany, France] -- Prussia has apparently lost his survival skills in the last century or so, judging from the tent he's put up on Germany's lawn.

- part nine: fill] In the Dappled Sunshine [Lithuania/Poland] -- It makes them sad, when they think about it. If they were human, they could make their own choices; they could choose to stay together.

- [part nine: fill] To See Oneself in Dreams [Greece/Spain] -- As they walk, time goes on. According to Spain, they are just a little luckier in that they have a little more time to learn and love than humans do.

- [part nine: fill] A Visit to Cuckooland [Sweden/Finland] -- Even after all these years, Sweden still doesn't quite get Finland's thought processes. But there's no doubt that he'll water Fatal Request Tank Pilot and Television Explosion Cake...once he figures out which houseplants those actually are.

- [part nine: fill] Confused with a Side of Jealous [America, Prussia/Canada, France/England] -- Alfred wasn't jealous at all. Nope. Not at all.

- [part nine: fill] Are you My Daddy? [America, OC!Alaska, OC!Washington, Obama and family] -- Alaska has run away to meet his daddy, Russia. America is NOT happy.

- [part nine: fill] Short 'n Sweet [Canada] -- Canada has a lot on his mind.

- [part nine: fill] Ninna Nanna e la Tua Mano é Nella Mia [North Italy/Germany] -- North Italy sings a lullaby for his future child.

- [part nine: fill] My Alfred [America/Fem!Russia] -- Russia has fallen for America and will do everything in her power to get together with him. America on the other hand doesn't like this...or does he?

- [part nine: fill] Can You Feel the Love Tonight? [Spain/England, OC!Humans] -- "From there, the game got a lot more interesting."

- [part nine: fill] Il Mio Piccolo Tesoro [North Italy/Germany] -- North Italy watches Germany as he sleeps, contemplating their future together with their baby.

- [part nine: fill] Stronger [Russia/Fem!America] -- Russia admires strong people. Especially America.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Germany, Prussia] -- Germany receives a letter from Prussia, who has found a new way to be annoying.

- [part nine: fill] Mixed Messages [England, America/Canada] -- America asks England a question that unfortunately, England interprets incorrectly.

- [part nine: fill] Remembrance [Germany (Holy Roman Empire)/North Italy] -- "Italy wondered if Holy Roman Empire would kiss like Germany."

- [part nine: fill] Tony is More Alike to America Than You Think [Tony, Ensemble] -- Tony's feeling a little unappreciated at home, so he takes off to Earth, where his presence makes a great impact.

- [part nine: fill] Duty [Tony, America, Ensemble] -- The horrible truth to why Tony is here.

- [part nine: fill] Peace, Love, and Marijuana [America, Canada, Russia, ensemble] -- The meeting goes nowhere, despite America's declaration that Russia needs more love (and also some marijuana).

- [part nine: fill] Standards [France/England] -- France has standards. England, on the other hand, has tenacity and sheer stubbornness.

- [part nine: fill] Are You Afraid? [Russia/America] -- He has to say it out loud, to say what Ivan truly is!

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/fem!England] -- Proper preparation is needed before reprimanding naughty boys.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Canada/America] -- Sharing is caring.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Russia/Lithuania] -- This is a peaceful moment in his daily life, one where he can remember he is a country and forget the oppression.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Canada, America] -- America visits a hospitalized Canada. His injuries aren't just physical.

- [part nine: fill] To Rule the Waves [America/England, France] -- America's a bit hesitant about France's suggestion, but he'll go through with it to get England's attention.

- [part nine: fill] Totally Gay For The U S of A [Canada->America, England, France] -- A drunken Canada reveals his feelings for America, and gets inspired in the process.

Fic:  ★ ★  - 2 Star Fills

- [part three: fill] Untitled [Sweden/Finland, ???/Finland] -- After the Christmas party, Sweden goes searching for Finland. He doesn't like what he sees when he does.

- [part three: fill] The good and the bad. [Prussia/Germany] -- Living with his brother presents Germany with many challenges. Including Prussia constantly wanting attention (sex).

- [part five: fill] Royal Deportment [America/England, Queen Elizabeth II] -- The Queen is most curious about what she has found on the Internet. England, however, is distressed.

- [part six: fill] A Positive Experience [Germany/North Italy, France, Belgium, ensemble] by valmora -- France insinuates lewd things about Italy's virginity. Germany is sufficiently annoyed by this that he decides (with some help from Belgium) that it's time to pursue Italy.

- [part six: fill] Twisted With You [Spain/South Italy, North Italy] -- As long as South Italy knows that no one is seeing everything, it'll be okay.

- [part seven: fill] Things Can Only Get Better [France/England, America] -- France has fallen for England but thinks he'll have to get around America to get to him. America, in reality, is all for setting the two up. Of course, this is America we're talking about.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [fairies, France] -- They wish to bring him back.

- [part nine: fill] Watching You [America, France/England] -- "My name is Alfred F. Jones, and I’m a private investigator. And no - it’s not like in the movies."

- [part nine: fill] Words, Words [Canada/America, Ensemble] -- Words can be the most dangerous weapons. And Canada knows how to use his weapons well.

- [part five: fill] Way Too Awesome [Prussia, France, OC!humans] -- Prussia flees from the hordes of fangirls, with some help from France.

- [part nine: fill] Golden Chessmen [Iceland, Sealand] -- They're the last ones left.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Russia/Latvia] -- Russia teaches Latvia many things, but the most important thing Latvia learns is that he will never escape.

- [part nine: fill] Dishes Duty [Sweden/Finland] -- Sweden often handles the housework in the relationship. But with this kind of reaction, Finland finds an incentive to helping out around the house more often.

- [part nine: fill] England and France plan an orgy [England/France/Denmark/Norway] -- The orgy better be worth all the time, planning, and preparation.

- [part nine: fill] Must Be A Mistake [Fem!France/Fem!England] -- "There is something wrong here, France thought. Surely it was a cruel trick to make the country of love small-chested and make England, a country full of loveless twits, have the assets to make men (and women) fall to their knees in want."

- [part nine: fill] When a nation loses his king [Prussia/Frederick II] -- Prussia finally returns to his king's arms. But Fritz is only human.

- [part nine: fill] TMI [Prussia, Germany] -- Prussia shows Germany an article about his accomplishments, but Germany decides to break the real news to him.

- [part nine: fill] First Experiment [America/Canada, Ensemble] -- "Alfred was a hero. That was why he made the decision to help the other person. He didn't know who he was, what he did and why he choose his door. All he knew was that he now had a naked man in his living-room, and it was his duty to take care of him until he was ready to leave. Even if the other was a bit weird."

- [part nine: fill] Rules of Engagement [Spain/France, Spain/England] -- This art, an art of death, is his. And oh, how he enjoys it.

- [part nine: fill] Masked [Turkey/Korea] -- Turkey can feel Korea's masculinity, but also indulges in the illusion of femininity.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [England/Canada] -- The boy was his now, and he's oh so willing to please. Oh, how this will hurt France.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Prussia, Russia] -- Blows and hard labor are the cornerstones of Prussia's new life under Russia.

- [part nine: fill] Love, Lust, Chew, Swallow [Iceland/licorice, France/madeleines] -- They like to indulge in their favorites.

Fic:  ★ ★ ★  - 3 Star Fills

- [part one: fill] Parking Lot [Prussia/England] -- Getting England drunk gives Prussia the opportunity to have angry awesome sex with him. In a car.

- [part seven: fill] Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good [Prussia/Canada, ensemble] by stephodell -- Gilbert (and his ghostbusting crew) get a little more than he bargained for with the newest ghost.

- [part seven: fill] Maps [England/America] -- England is annoyed that America is too embarrassed to tell England what makes him happy in bed. So he gets a map.

- [part seven: fill] Untitled [Canada/America] -- It's a little strange to be awoken by a naked Canada talking about geography. Not that America's complaining.

- [part seven: fill] Through the Body [France/England, America/Belarus] -- America knows that Belarus isn't happy with the sex they're having, and France decides to give him some advice. America really needs it.

- [part seven: fill] How to Screw with Your Mind: North American Edition [America/fem!Canada] -- America's self-restraint is deeply, deeply tested after his brother gets turned into a (hot) girl.

- [part nine: fill] Losers [North Italy, Russia, Prussia, Hungary] by arivi -- North Italy on the Eastern Front, the long march home, and a battle he actually won.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Canada/Prussia] -- Prussia is going to give Canada a really special treat in the bedroom, which he promises will almost definitely not injure either of them.

- [part nine: fill] Nations of the World [ensemble; multiple pairings] -- The nations, affronted at having to attend the abstinence seminar at the request of their exasperated world leaders, sign their paperwork in a way that “Skip” will never forget, no matter how hard he tries.

- [part nine: fill] Bonkbonkbonkbonk [America/England] -- England hitting head against the wall eventually knocks him out, but America keeps on going.

- [part nine: fill] Cold Parabolas [Russia/Canada, Prussia/Canada] -- Russia owns him now, but Canada find a moment of solace with another one of Russia’s possessions, Prussia.

- [part nine: fill] Sweet Dreams [France/Poland, England] -- Seeing Poland suffering from nightmares, France offers some kindness and comfort, which Poland gradually accepts.

- [part nine: fill] Backseat [Denmark/Netherlands] -- There's a lot of hot and drunk action on the backseat of Denmark's car tonight.

- [part nine: fill] Meaningful [Russia/Canada] -- Every moment they spend together means the world to him.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [North Italy/Germany/Prussia/South Italy] -- North Italy takes control. After all, as a country of love and romance, isn't he supposed to fulfill his partners' needs?

- [part nine: fill] Bring Home Something Pretty [Australia/Iceland, Norway] -- "He saw something he wanted, so he was going to bring it home with him and have a hell of a time with it."

- [part nine: fill] Champagne and Brie [France/Canada] -- After Canada wins the title for "best cheese in the world", France decides to test his knowledge.

- [part nine: fill] Phantom Touch [England/America, ensemble] -- America has been unusually seductive lately. But then an important question comes up. England wants answers...and maybe all that new-found sensuality focused on him alone.

- [part nine: fill] For Me and You [England/America] -- What LOVE means.

- [part nine: fill] Aristocrat vs. Lust [Austria, implied Austria/Hungary] -- Austria lets loose once in a while.

- [part nine: fill] Birds and Bees [Russia/fem!America] -- A quickie during the break is just the thing they need to get through the round of endless boring meetings.

- [ part nine: fill] Untitled [Tentacle Monster!Prussia/Sealand] -- Sealand nabs an very interesting catch in his new net.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Rome/fem!France] -- The sex is as hazy and ambiguous as their love.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [England/Canada] -- He'll give him one last moment of pleasure, before the boy is sent to his death.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Germany/North Italy] -- The need is so hot that they can't bother taking off their clothes just yet.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Prussia/fem!England, Prussia/fem!France/Germany] -- Fearless and authoritative, they blur the lines between love and war, pleasure and pain. (a series of related drabbles, ranging from 1 to 3 Star ratings)

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [China/Japan] -- This is a way for them to heal.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/Hungary] -- Hungary has found a skilled and obliging lover.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Turkey/Greece] -- He loves and hates the way Turkey smells, how he carries a mixture of the sun, cumin, raw onions, cinnamon, raki and musk on his body.

- [part nine: fill] Teaching the Boys [Rome/OC!Scotland/England] -- Rome finds that these two boys are fast learners.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Turkey/Greece] -- He won't admit he enjoys this.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Denmark/England] -- The pain and pleasure are so intense, that there's no way he can focus on anything else but Denmark.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Germany/Spain] -- Spain is doing an amazing job at pleasuring him; it's only right that Germany return the favor.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Germany/America] -- There's more to chemistry than petri dishes and formulas.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Sweden/Denmark] -- This definitely beats karaoke.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Turkey/Hungary, Greece] -- Turkey believes it is better to do more than just look.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Netherlands/Japan] -- He's probably in too deep already.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/Canada, England] -- And then England ruins it all, right when they were so close.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Japan->Greece] -- He is an old nation and should be stronger than this. But he can't help but desire his new - and very attractive - young friend.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Russia/America] -- He'll erase Russia's fake smile and bring out a real one.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Horse/America] -- No man, not even Russia, is up to the task. So, America looks elsewhere.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [America/England, aliens] -- It's all so strange and fuzzy and why was he naked with America? This all has to be a dream.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [England/France] -- France's repayment? Allowing his body to be used to indulge England's "thoroughly creepy interests".

- part nine: fill] Untitled [???/America] -- It could be anyone. That turns him on even more.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [Russia/Ukraine/Belarus] -- It's an all-round pleasurable experience.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [England/North Italy/South Italy] -- He finds some excellent company in this Italian brothel.

- [part nine: fill] The Devil's Hands [Prussia/Germany] -- Just his voice alone is enough to get Germany all hot and bothered and rushing to get home.

- [part nine: fill] Untitled [France/gravy, France->America] -- If only America here. France will have to make do with the gravy.

Art Fills

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Teasing of the Guard [America/England] by technoranma -- America succeeds in getting this stoic English guard to lose his cool.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] This Has Been Going On for Quite a While... [Sweden, Finland] -- Finland has a name for it no matter what it turns out to be.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Sleep Talkin' Man [England/America] -- England says some very interesting things in his sleep.

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [Sweden/Denmark] -- Sweden and Denmark, kissing.

- ★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [Poland, America] -- Poland wakes up as a real actual woman, and the first comment he makes is…

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [Canada/Prussia] -- Straightjacket sex.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [England/America] -- England and America spend a night together.

Other Media Fills

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Untitled [Sealand] -- (GIF fill) Just keep training, Sealand! You'll evolve someday.

Updated Entries

- ★ -  [part seven: fill] It sounded like a good idea at the time.. [Tony, Spain, Prussia, France, England] -- Tony packs up and moves to where he's appreciated, i.e. the Americas. And in 1492, an intrepid and curious group of European nations sail west to solve a mystery. (Related fill -- Tony is More Alike to America than You Think -- linked).

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] Four Seasons in a Year [Russia/England] -- Only Ivan notices his injuries. (Parts 8 - 15 linked)

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] Not That There's Anything Wrong With That... [America, England, ensemble] -- England and America overreact a little when informed that everyone thinks they're gay together: they try to get dates. With girls. (Parts 6a-6c linked)

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] I'll Love You When You're Ready [Sweden/Finland, Sweden/Sealand] -- Sweden comes to the terrifying realization that he's in love with Finland. (Parts 5 - 7 linked)

- ★★ - [part seven: fill] Ignorance, My Bliss [America, France/England] by apostlegirl  -- In the cold of winter, it becomes apparent that America is ignorant of the dark secret about their Nationhood. (links to de-anoned version added)

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] General Relativity [Canada/America] -- Stars and romance collide, as Matthew Williams falls for his attractive physics professor. (Parts 11 - 178  linked, all author's snippets as well as fanarts/fanfics of the fill/FSTs that were linked in the fill threads are now linked in the entry)

De-anoned Fills

- ★ - [part nine: fill] Teasing of the Guard [America/England] by technoranma -- America succeeds in getting this stoic English guard to lose his cool.

- ★★ - [part six: fill] A Positive Experience [Germany/North Italy, France, Belgium, ensemble] by valmora -- France insinuates lewd things about Italy's virginity. Germany is sufficiently annoyed by this that he decides (with some help from Belgium) that it's time to pursue Italy.

- ★★★ - [part seven: fill] Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good [Prussia/Canada, ensemble] by stephodell -- Gilbert (and his ghostbusting crew) get a little more than he bargained for with the newest ghost.

- ★★★ - [part nine: fill] Losers [North Italy, Russia, Prussia, Hungary] by arivi -- North Italy on the Eastern Front, the long march home, and a battle he actually won.


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2011 / 01 - january 2011, update

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