2012 Nominees

Jul 29, 2012 18:45


Last updated: 9/3/12

Best Drabble/Ficlet (100-500 words)
  1. Waking Up by
    deird1 (PG; Tara/Willow)
  2. Dreams by velvetwhip (PG; Willow/Tara)
  3. How it Starts by Lilbreck (PG13; Tara/Wilow)
  4. Hand-Me-Down by Barnabas (R; Dawn/Satsu)
  5. Instinct by ohmyerica (R; Buffy/Faith)
  6. Last Kiss: Buffy and Faith by lunabee43 (G; Faith/Buffy)
  7. Promise by menomegirl (PG; Faith/Buffy)

Best Characterization
  1. Willow in Flying (The Let Her Cry Remix) by snogged (PG; Willow/Buffy)
  2. Kennedy in And All the Saints Are Dragons by velvetwhip (PG-13; Willow/Kennedy)
  3. Faith in Hypocrite, Save Thyself by Barnabas (R; Faith/Buffy)
  4. Lilah in Lessons by queensmoot (PG; Lilah/Eve)
  5. Cordelia in Sweet To Tongue And Sound To Eye by Thistlerose (R; Faith/Buffy, Cordy/Buffy)
  6. Kennedy in Un/Expected (Straight Girl Remix) by Alixtii (R; Kennedy/Buffy)
  7. Willow in Strawberries by beer_good_foamy (PG-13; Willow/Fred)
  8. Anyanka in In the Garden Underneath the Midnight Moon by aaronlisa (PG13; Anyanka/Halfrek)

Best Rare Pair
  1. Our Issues Have Issues by snogged (PG; Willow/Sandy)
  2. Voices Like Thunder by
    jedibuttercup (M; Buffy/Kennedy)
  3. After the Endings by brutti-ma-buoni (PG-13; Dawn/Illyria)
  4. Closet by gabrielleabelle (T; Willow/Cordelia)
  5. Leftover People by frogfarm (R; Heidi/Willow)
  6. Intercessions by Chellefic (NC17; Willow/Dawn)
  7. Beer Bad (Very Bad) by
    snowpuppies (NC-17; Fred/Anyanka)
  8. L.A. Story by Cmk418 (R; Darla/Anyanka)
  9. Not Quite Friends by Settiai (M; Willow/Faith)
  10. Temporary Sweetener by fembuck (NC17; Cordy/Buffy)

Best Lighthearted
  1. the hex with eight sides by signalbeam (T; Willow/Anya)
  2. Strawberries by beer_good_foamy (PG-13; Willow/Fred)
  3. Crush by aliceinwondrbra (PG-13; Faith/Buffy)
  4. Love the One You're With by Barb C (PG-13; Willow/Harmony)
  5. Just Another Ordinary Apocalypse by snogged (PG-13; Faith/Cordelia)
  6. Cutting the Knot by goldenrod (M; Anya/Willow)
  7. In the Back by gabrielleabelle (PG; Willow/Cordelia)
  8. Problematic Drinks of Badness by
    deird1 (PG; Willow/Buffy)
  9. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Angearia (R; Faith/Buffy)
  10. When in Doubt Blame Harmony by Aaronlisa (PG; Cordy/Willow)
  11. Reorientation by stormwreath (T; Willow/Buffy, multi)
  12. A Beautiful Friendship by keswindhover (PG-13; Cordy/Buffybot)
  13. Distracted by ladyofthelog (R; Buffy/Faith)
  14. Long Way Home by zarabithia (PG; Faith/Buffy)

Most Heart-Wrenching
  1. Things We Never Talk about by brutti-ma-buoni (R; Faith/Tara)
  2. Lessons by queensmoot (PG; Lilah/Eve)
  3. Special by iridescentzen (PG13; Willow/Tara)
  4. No Special Reason by Meltha (G; Willow/Tara)
  5. Digital Ghost by gabrielleabelle (G; Willow/Tara)
  6. Pink Linen and White Paper by seraphcelene (G; Willow/Tara)
  7. Better Than by
    snowpuppies (R; Fred/Lilah)
  8. Strong like an Amazon by Whisper_on_the_wind (G; Willow/Tara)

Best Romance
  1. The Cat Maiden by JohnMartin (T; Willow/Tara)
  2. White Flag by maryfic (PG; Willow/Tara)
  3. Wow by beer_good_foamy (R; Willow/Tara/Buffy/Faith)
  4. Dark Angel by Dmnq8 (NC17; Willow/Tara)
  5. Awakening by
    snowpuppies (R; Willow/Tara)
  6. Bikini Fic by Bobbi (NC17; Faith/Buffy)
  7. Alone But Together by Queen of the Castle (PG; Buffy/Faith)
  8. Death is Her Gift by brutti_ma_buoni (PG; Dawn/Vi)

Best Heat
  1. Upon the Edge of No Escape by beer_good_foamy (R; Faith/Lilah)
  2. Screwing Vampires by gabrielleabelle (NC17; Vamp!Willow/Faith)
  3. Not a Girl Who Likes to be Teased by Lilbreck (NC17; Faith/Lilah)
  4. Never Let You Fall by Morrigan (R; Willow/Tara)
  5. For One Night Only by brutti_ma_buoni (NC17; Buffy/Faith)
  6. until the thunder roars by jessalae (NC17; Willow/Tara)
  7. Remedial Buffy by gloss (NC17; Buffy/Cordelia)
  8. Sunday Matinee by ladyoneill (NC17; Willow/Cordy)
  9. Less Than Real by Zulu (NC17; Faith/Dawn)
  10. Piquancy by sasha_feather (NC17; Faith/Buffy)
  11. Dangerous Game by Cmk418 (NC17; Faith/Buffy)

Best Canon
  1. Think Alike by Maidenjedi (M; Willow/Buffy)
  2. Closet by gabrielleabelle (T; Willow/Cordelia)
  3. Intercessions by Chellefic (NC17; Willow/Dawn)
  4. Battle by Redeem147 (R; Illyria/Willow)
  5. Watching Bridges Burn by Woldy (R; Faith/Buffy)
  6. Sweet To Tongue And Sound To Eye by Thistlerose (R; Faith/Buffy, Cordy/Buffy)
  7. The Cow Jumped Over the Moon by
    snowpuppies (PG; Fred/Tara)
  8. Acts Of Self-Conscious Behaviour Contrary by beer_good_foamy (PG; Willow/Tara)
  9. Mirroring by brutti_ma_buoni (R; Darla/Fred)

Best Future
  1. Between the Devil and Metal by avamclean (T; Buffy/Faith)
  2. After the Endings by brutti-ma-buoni (PG-13; Dawn/Illyria)
  3. Cloudbusting by beer_good_foamy (PG-13; Illyria/Willow)
  4. Hypocrite, Save Thyself by Barnabas (R; Faith/Buffy)
  5. Release by Redeem147 (NC17; Faith/Willow)
  6. Five by Five by Infinity by
    snowpuppies (NC17; Faith/Buffy)

Best AU/AR
  1. Le Petit Mort by snogged (NC17; First Slayer/OFC)
  2. All Fly Away by
    snowpuppies (R; Dawn/Cordelia)
  3. The Greatest of These by brutti_ma_buoni (R; Cordy/Faith)
  4. Not, Now by
    deird1 (PG; Faith/Dawn)
  5. Moon To The Tide by Feverbeats (G; Tara/Willow)
  6. Winter by Aaronlisa (PG; Faith/Buffy)

Best Firefly/Serenity Fic
  1. The Rose Garden by lisajetta (G; Kaylee/Inara)
  2. Tu, In Mulieribus by Sage_Theory (NC17; Kaylee/Inara)
  3. Long Yearning by gamerfic (R; Kaylee/Inara)
  4. Technophilia by Blacksquirrel (NC17; Kaylee/Inara)
  5. Your Place by justhuman (NC17; Kaylee/Inara)
  6. No Rest For the Wicked by InspectorBoxer (R; River/Sarah Connor)
  7. Sunshine in the Black by inalasahl (NC17; Kaylee/River)

Best Dollhouse Fic
  1. An Angel Has No Memory by Peter Tupper (R; Ivy/Sophie)
  2. Crossed Wires by seriousfic (R; Echo/Sierra)
  3. for however short or long our lives are going by majesdane (G; Claire/Madeline, Whiskey/November)
  4. (your blood, your bones, your voice) your ghost by tiltingheartand (G; Whiskey/November)
  5. a water, deep but daring by Isagel (NC17; Echo/Sierra)
  6. Love is a Weakness by hamimifk (PG13; Adelle/Claire)
  7. Clandestine Touch by quirkysmuse (R; Echo/Claire)
  8. Innocence Again by fembuck (PG; Adelle/Echo)
  9. Echoes of Faith by me_llamo_nic (NC17; Faith/Buffy/Echo)

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