Aug 10, 2007 07:55
Northern Cali here we come!
I am so fuck*ng excited to be going to California for Omar's wedding!
Ileana is already there and Laurie gets there 30 minutes after Joe and I.
Ileana and I get to be the best "wo"men. YEAY!
I'm so super tired. Joe and I have not slept the past couple of days... and I doubt that we'll get much sleep while we're there, but it's cool.
Next Thursday we'll be on our way to the Outer Banks for Luke's wedding. I still have no clue what I'm gonna wear, but I'm sure I'll figure something out. =]
Man, weddings, weddings weddings! This is getting expensive. HA! HA! HA!
I'm so happy for everyone that's getting married though. They are all truly amazing people that deserve to be as happy as they are.
I got to work at 7 a.m. this morning... WEIRD! My boss was pulling into the parking garage as I was getting out of my car, he rolled his window down and asked me if I was sick. *LOL* I've gotta leave by 11; go home and pack. Yeah, I didn't do that last night. I had to do laundry. Argh! So much to do!
I might need some caffeine to remain awake until we catch our flight. =/
ha! ha! ha! wow, i'm gay.