Sunday December 11 Late Afternoon-alleyways

Mar 14, 2009 10:05

Yuu liked Sundays the best now that he was at school. It was a day where he did not have an obligation to go somewhere and he had all the time he wanted to rest and make the money he needed. His money was almost gone from the time he helped the old lady move her stuff around. He decided he would use the free day to find some small jobs that would earn him enough for a few more days.

Before he left his makeshift home in the alleyway of his choosing, he hid most of his stuff behind trashcans and the dumpster just as a security measure. He then made his way to the more busy part of the area, taking other alleyways to get there quicker. He was almost there when he saw two guys around the corner through the side of his eye. He stopped himself before fully turning and peered over the edge of the building to see what those guys were doing. He could slightly hear what they were saying, so Yuu decided to stay there and listen. One guy seemed to be the boss of the other by the way he carried himself. He was taller and more dominating. The other guy was short and plump and shook a little when the other guy raised his voice a little.  It seemed like the boss was reprimanding the other for doing something wrong.

"Okay. For the last time, where is the money for the last sale?", the boss asked in an agitated tone of voice.
"I've already said before. I don't have it. Some twerp off the street stole it from me", the smaller one said hoping he would accept the excuse after the fifth time.
It did not seem like the boss was ready to let him get away with it. "Yeah I heard you before, but I don't believe you could let someone steal MY money. That would just be  crime", he slightly chuckled to himself at the irony of his statement. "You basically just gave away the drugs. You realize that right? As punishment, the next batch you sell will be your own personal favor to me. Which means if you haven't figured it out, that you get no profit", he said in a serious tone.

It looked like the smaller guy was about to object, but changed his mind. He nodded his head and slowly went off in the opposite direction.
Seeing him, he remembered his face from somewhere. Who knows, Yuu might have been the one to steal from him.

Yuu still stood there staring at the boss who decided to take out his money and count it. Yuu saw a huge stack and looked at it with an envious want in his eyes. He detested drug dealers and thought they were the lowest form of life, but if he took their money, than they wouldn't have it themselves. In his eyes, he was doing himself and even society a favor. He wasn't going to take it that day, but decided to come back another time. He knew that there were drug dealers who liked to come back to the same spot as long as it wasn't found out. He had a plan, but for now he needed to make money elsewhere. He headed in the direction that he came from not wanting the drug leader to find him out. Yuu loved chances for easy money.
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