Une Histoire d'Amour de Chat 7/?

Sep 06, 2012 09:57

Title: Une Histoire d’Amour de Chat

Pairings: Yusuf/Ariadne, Eames/Arthur, OC/Arthur

Summary: In which Eames loves Arthur, no matter what form he is in… or in which cat!Arthur acquires a stalker that goes by the name of Eames and Yusuf seems to be the only person who cares.

Note: Eames is projecting a bit of Bane here. Well, my version of Bane that is.

Warnings: Fluff, magical potions in a world of science, a little bit of bestiality, BAMFness, and Eames is a shameless pervert and an opportunist…a minor rape attempt?


Chapter 7

By this point, everybody knows that Yusuf does not like Eames.

For example…

Eames hides the remote, like the evil thing that he is. He cockblocks as if it’s a sport. He perves on Arthur as if there is no tomorrow. He brings morbid and often bloody gifts home and presents them as if they are the gold of Egypt. He serenades like a banshee on its death throes. He won’t move from Yusuf’s seat and looks at Yusuf as if he’s stupid.

He also sheds like crazy!

(One would’ve thought that the cat had gone bald and furless by now.)

He also has a creepy shrine made up of Arthur’s toys, collars and fur that Yusuf is pretty sure the cat worships to.

Yusuf had tried to clean it up once and got scratched violently for the trouble. The only one that Eames let near it is Arthur so Arthur was put to the task of cleaning the shrine up whenever it gets too big.

Afterwards, Eames would gather back all the toys and collars again and stroke them reverently.

So, yeah.

Yusuf does not like that orange spawn of the vilest creatures of Hell.

Sometimes, though, Eames is… okay.

However, these moments are few and far in between, mind you


Arthur and Eames aren’t dogs, Yusuf knows that but Ariadne and he still likes to take them out to enjoy life.

“They're animals, Yusuf; they were never really meant to be kept indoor,” his lady would often say.

If it were up to Yusuf, however, Eames would be staying at home.

But as mentioned before, they can’t trust Eames to stay in the house alone… without Arthur that is. But that’s an even worse option, too terrible to even think about.

So as responsible pet owners, they put leashes on the two cats which Yusuf and Ariadne both agreed that it's quite a cruel and adorable sight.

Cats are free creatures, after all.

People had even started walking at their favorite park just to catch a peek of the two cats taking a walk.

Actually, make that one cat. Arthur seems to be the only one who understands what leashes are for. Like the dear that he is, Arthur would walk in between Yusuf and Ariadne and would not stray far from them.

Eames, on the other hand, finds the task of walking too much of a chore. He would lie down on the ground and purr as they put his leash on him, refusing to get up.

Unwilling to allow Ariadne the burden of carrying the heavy and lazy mass of fur around, Yusuf always dutifully carries the evil spawn while they walk.

If for nothing else, Eames helped Yusuf developed some much appreciated muscles.




They had just sat down at their favorite bench when Eames, as if strucked by lightning, tensed and tore at Yusuf's arms.

In fact, Eames didn't just tore at him. He scratched and spit as if he's a mad dog on rabies.

So like any sane person, Yusuf drops the crazy thing and, amazingly enough, the orange fur ball managed to land on his feet with a rather loud thump.

As soon as the tabby is on the ground, he immediately streaks down the path that they had come from.

Despite himself, Yusuf is impressed.

Eames is pretty fast for a pudgy lump. In fact, he could give the Red Flash a run for his money.

That's when he noticed something.

Arthur is not with them!

He had took off Arthur's leash a long time ago, knowing that Arthur is responsible enough to follow them.

Apparently, that was a mistake.

Having come to the same conclusion, as well, Ariadne glanced at him in alarm. As one, the two of them chases after Eames. If anyone can find Arthur, Eames is definitely the one to find him.

Once the two of them managed to caught up, they were just in time to see Eames bulldozered a feral white cat off of Arthur. Quickly climbing onto his feet, Arthur hisses at the offending white cat and was about to attack when Eames pounce on it again.

To Yusuf, it was as if he was watching Batman in action. The orange tabby skillfully weaved himself in and out of the other's strikes and dealt powerful swipes to the white cat. He even managed to bite off an ear, somehow.

Mike Tyson, anyone?

But other than that, Yusuf is definitely rooting from the sideline. Who knew that Eames can fight like that? And dare he say it? He's actually developing some sort of cat crush! For Eames, no less!

Whoo, the adrenaline! So this is why people like watching dog fights and such. Not that he's into those things, mind you.

Another strike to the head from Eames and the white cat finally had enough. He quickly skulks away, wary of another blow.

Smugly, Eames wanders back to Arthur who greets him with a rather enthusiastic grooming, which Yusuf is currently finding a hard time to get angry at. Ariadne ran forward and gathers the apparently kiss drunk cat to her chest and coos at him.

If it were any other time, Yusuf would be gagging in disgust... but right now...

…Eames isn’t so bad…




Yusuf steps into his office and freezes. What he saw was a sight to rival the atrocity that nearly happened that morning.

Arthur is passed out on his back on the window seat, while Eames, ever the opportunist, is between his spread thighs.

Purring contentedly, the pervert lowers himself and begins to lick at Arthur’s crotch.

Yusuf was about to throw his papers at him when Arthur woke up with a jerk and quickly begin scratching at the offending head.

Yusuf nods approvingly.

Now that’s his princess.

He also takes back what he said about Eames earlier.

Eames is definitely evil to the core.


I'm so excited! You're about to see Eames and Arthur!

Also, I suck at fighting scenes. So yeah.

Okay, fixed it. The chapter still isn't perfect, but I'm too lazy to do anything else.


pairings: yusuf/ariadne, inception, pairings: eames/arthur

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