Health Notes - progress report

Jul 20, 2012 16:18

I haven't posted recently about weight loss because there isn't much to report. I lost all that weight (about 15 pounds, give or take) back between March and May and that is pretty much that except ...

Except it isn't. The weight I lost then is what I think of as "yo-yo weight", 15 pounds that I have gained and lost and gained again over and over again in the past 12 years. Every time I lost it, I'd reach the lower number and feel happy and hopeful of losing more only to see the numbers on the scale start to climb again within a few days times.

That hasn't happened this time ... so far ... knock wood. My weight seems to be holding steady, about 20 lbs less than it was when I started. I may actually be losing weight, but if so, it's a very slow process. Nonetheless, I am pleased because ... even if I'm not losing weight, I'm still not gaining and that is something with which to be quite pleased.

Besides, there are other indications that my body is still undergoing (positive) changes. I can now move from downward dog to lunge with little trouble, I can touch my fingers behind my back in Cow Face pose, and my face is getting closer to my legs in Forward Bend. In addition, the new jeans I bought have gone from 'killing my back' tight to pleasantly snug.

Not so positive, however, I still cannot bear to wear my wedding ring for very long before my finger swells up and my left arm is still prone to paresthesia from time to time - although it no longer wakes me up in the middle of the night. On the other hand (so to speak), my dry eyes do wake me up at least once - which gives me the opportunity to remind my beloved partner that dawn comes far too soon if one waits until the new day is hours old before seeking one's bed.

weight, paresthesia, eyes

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