Jun 28, 2012 12:55
Last night, I realised that I was rubbing the ball of my right foot and that there was a burning sensation at the base of the three middle toes. (Ironic that, seeing as the middle three toes of my LEFT foot are actually a bit deformed).
This morning, the entire length of my right leg was tingling and a bit painful, similar to the way the left arm often gets. I can say this with a degree of confidence, because ... well, my left arm started tingling and aching as well.
Yoga and belly-dance practice did not seem to help much.
15 minutes on the exercise bike and a weight-training session did seem to provide some relief. (I hates weight-training.)
Sitting in the half-lotus feels really really good but I'm afraid it isn't really helping.
Possible causes - I indulged in some potato chips after dinner last night and in popcorn. I played Shi-sen-sho on Michael's computer - his computer chair seems to hit my leg at a bad point on the back of the thigh. I was in Michael's office yesterday afternoon - the visitor's chair may have the same effect as his computer chair.
The really worrisome thing is that my weight is down and that I don't recall ever feeling this particular sensation before. In my leg, that is. I don't like it.