Worldbuilding - Traveling times & distances

Sep 22, 2015 16:34

Adventurers' Guild teams patrol by shanksmare; the information concerning how far someone can travel under different conditions is available for this means of travel and for going on horseback; however, I know that bicycles are readily available - metal and wood (wood cycles are AMAZING!) and I am looking into steam engines - tank-type not rail.

8 and 12-Hour Day’s Travel
by shanksmare and a-horseback with short pauses

The average distance between settlements is roughly half a day’s walk - so that a person could get to the next settlement, conduct his/her business and then walk home before dark

Rough estimate is 2 to 3 mph walking speed and assumes fit individuals in prime physical condition and accustomed to walking/ riding.

Modifiers: Thick undergrowth or brush, - 15%. Frequent potholes, etc., - 50%. Strong river current, -50%. Dodging ranged attacks, -75%.

Nota Bene : US Grant felt that forcing soldiers to march 20 miles in a day is not conducive to fighting a battle at the end of the march.

Effective control radius for a Medieval castle is ~20 miles - the distance a mounted force can travel in a single day and still be able to fight.

research, world-building, dvn, story

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