After all that hype, sturm and drang, Janus dropped but 2 inches on us. Don't know what folks east and south of us got, they were supposed to be hit worse. Took M 75 min to get home last night - almost twice as long as his usual commute, but that was due to traffic, everyone rushing to beat the storm, resulting in no one rushing anywhere.
I am setting up Astolat, my old Toshiba laptop, in the office, in the hopes that (1) a different work environment and (2) a non-Internet computer will help me to concentrate on the story. Or even on Aladin. I just can't get myself to work at the kitchen table. Part of it may be the fact that the table curves away from me with the netbook RIGHT in front of me. I need a clear surface on my left hand side to write out long hand, I think. Another part may be the draft from the hall. I am also growing increasingly annoyed with the shift-bar on Pippin - it sticks. Erratically. Unpredictably. I'm hoping that I can get some work done, but if I don't get started soon, M will be up for his conference call.
Mail yesterday consisted of a National Geographic for M, the gas bill and a notification from Harvard Medical for B. Disappointing. I suspect that the card I sent to my sister K did not arrive before her bday.
eta - Astolat overheated after about an hour. Have set it aside. Will try Breeland next, but ... I'm not all that thrilled with Bree. M should be getting up soon, anyway. Mail today - energy use report card (fail), credit card offer (refuse), old car warranty (nmp) - I think that's it. All junk, anyway.