Dialann - dream milestone

Dec 26, 2013 08:52

When I am invested in learning a language, that language will begin to appear in my dreams - usually spoken by someone else (npc?). Sometimes I understand them, sometimes I don't. As I become more familiar with the language, I will begin to consciously use it myself. One of my more amusing memories is of waking myself up by signing in my sleep - my hands got tangled up in the blankets!

This morning, my dream character spoke Gaelic. A group of us were exploring a wonderland ... {O! If that was Connor Temple, then we must have been the Primaeval gang through an anomaly! He was definitely BASED on Connor, anyway.} We came across a group of people living communal style in an old house, they welcomed us ... some more reluctantly than others ... and assigned us a room to share. Large room, and we did prefer to stay together. One of the commune members - a woman - was especially peeved with me - the house was responding to me, opening up rooms that hadn't opened before. She demanded that I leave.

Connor wanted to fool around and my character wasn't at all adverse to the notion, but when we started, another commune member came in, blithely calling out "don't mind me, I'm just getting something". Then another came in behind him and I ... got upset. I stood away from Connor and addressed the ceiling, saying (as much as I recall) :

"A Thaigh, 's e againne a tha an t-seòmar seo; mise fhèin agus esan agus ... agus mo croilean ghraidh agus tha mi 'g iarraidh gum bhiodh sibh a' glasadh an doras an aghaidh an h-uile daoine eile."

(House, this is our room; mine and his and ... and my beloved group and I want that you would be locking the door against all other people." N.B. I didn't recognise Connor until the writing of this and, as is the way of dreams, I couldn't recall his name consciously.)

After that, a troop of British soldiers came to requistion House for the use of a very fat, dyspeptic, spoiled-rotten 'noble'woman. She claimed that she was ill and needed someplace to recover. I told her that she was only feeling bad because she'd eaten too much rich food and sweets and it was her stomach that was upset, not her health. She came close to slap me for insolence, I broke free of the soldier holding me (I think he let go on purpose) and jumped her, starting beating her bloody (they'd interrupted Connor and me AGAIN and my character may have been feeling a tad bit frustrated). Everyone cheered me on - not only my group and the commune members, but also the British soldiers.

Ho ri, ho ri,

gaidhlig, dragons, dialann - dreams, aisling, gaelic

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