Nuall Nollaige (A Christmas Haloo/ Chant/ Hail)
Another Christmas Mummer's Song
This one brings the image of the guards of the witch's castle to mind - can you imagine if THEY came a' carolling? The Munchkins would ... need to do a lot of laundry immediately. {grin}
(btw, I don't know why the table is putting in so much empty space, so I'm putting the dragons first)
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, thàinig 's an àm Blessed be he, come betimes
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' an taigh 's na bheil ann, Blessed be the house and all within
Ho ri, ho ri,
Eadar chuall, is chlach, is chrann, T'wixt beam and stone and peak,
Ho ri, ho ri,
Imir do Dhia, eadar bhrat is aodach Dedicated to God from blanket to clothes
(?swaddling to shroud?)
Slàinte dhaoine gun robh ann Good health to those within.
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Gum bu buan mu'n tulach sibh, May you long be round the house,
Ho ri, ho ri,
Gum bu slàn mu'n teallach sibh, May you health be round the hearth
Ho ri, ho ri,
Gum bu liuth crann 's an taigh, Many be the stakes in the house
Daoine tàmh 's a' bhunntair, And the people dwelling on the foundations
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Nochd oidhche Nollaige mòire, This is the Great Christmas night
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Rugadh Mac na Muire Òighe Born the son of Virgin Mary
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Ràinig a bhonnaibh an làr His soles came to earth
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Shoillsich grian nam beann àrd The sun illumined the high mount
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Shoillsich fearann, shoillsich fonn Illumined the land, illumined the waves
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Chualas an tonn air an traigh The wave was heard on the strand
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Beannaicht' e, beannaicht' e Blessed be he, blessed be he
Ho ri, ho ri,
Beannaicht' an Rìgh Blessed be the King
Gun tus, gun chrìch Without beginning, without end
Gu suthainn, su sìor To enternity, to forever
Gach linn gu brath. Every generation to all time.