There's a blood drive at the Elks' Club today. No one called me to go in and donate, but since I "knew" that the last drive there was a couple of days after the drive at the hospital at which I donated last, I went in anyway.
It was amazing. Usually, even when I have an appointment, there's a waiting time - half an hour or more. This time, I read the literature (required reading), refilled my water bottle and ... was summoned to the computer station. Where it was discovered that my blood is not mature for taking for another two days.
At least I did get a new basket out of it. Dropped by the bike shop downtown and selected one - a willow-weave basket. Too small, but ... I guess it'll do. sigh
Before I started out, though, I thought the back tyre looked a little soft, so I pumped it up. When I was heading home, I thought I'd go as far as the overpass (Celluci Hwy) and then turn around, but ... after I crossed Washington, I checked the back tyre again and it looked - well - distinctly flattish. Grumbling bitterly, I turned around and headed home again but ... when I got to Broad and South streets, I checked again and ... weird ... the tyre was fine. I came home via North St (which is a lot steeper than I like, fwiw).
All told, that makes it 11 miles today and 8 miles yesterday (to school & back via Washington & Forestvale route.) I still am needing to record this information in my travel log. I still have yet to do so.