ありがとう 僕の 好きなひとたち

Mar 21, 2011 22:09

Watching SxS live broadcast tonight really left me a deep message...

I was surprised to see the cheerful faces instead gloomy ones...means that "They haven't defeated yet!!!"
Rather than waiting or hoping offered help and support from other(country) they insisted to think what can they do for them self....whether it would be a financial support,self consideration of electricity limiting,or just a smile....they do whatever they could...

Those encouraging words really something....

So it's more that they're the one that give me a help than what I've given to them...
They teach me about the power of courage,love and self esteem....You give me inspiration...as always

君 から もらった 勇気 の 変わりにさ 僕 の 愛 を あげる よ。。。。

がんばれ 日本!!!!!!
あたし も 負けたくない から!!!!

pics credit: qnuy

inspiration, smap

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