3 March 2011.....Will be the date that I'll never forget

Mar 06, 2011 13:14

It was supposed to be a usual morning...I woke up,pray,and turn on my laptop...Like usual...
But then I was so confused seeing my friends busy talking about Singapore,cheap ticket,and SMAP.
WHAT!!!!!!!SMAP is in Singpore now?????(@ 3March 2011).....I remember I was so angry(because I didn't go online the night before when they chatting about this...I was straight go to sleep)
And from their conversation it seemed like they are letting go about the plan chasing SMAP to Singapore in due to no cheap flights....

My heart is burning...scolding my friends ccoz they didn't texted me wahahaha...gomen minna...
And I started to browse every flights for that morning...NO CHEAP ONE!!!!!I was so desperate....I really wanna go....I said to them.
And suddenly they start to burn in flame as well...So we were confidentially going to Singapore NO MATTER WHAT!!!!SMAP were THIS CLOSE!!!! It was me,Hikkie chan, Qnuy and Gurie.We skipped work with hope to be able to meet SMAP.

Hikkkie and Qnuy who searched and booked the cheapest airline they could find...And we were appointing the SOETA airport as our meeting point....I CAN"T BELIEVE THAT I CAN BE THIS IMPULSIVE!!!! On my way to airport I was thinking how crazy I am...We are for doing this...But I really wanna chase them....I wanna embrace this 0,1% chance to see them LIVE...

I met Qnuy first @airport...both of us were giving each other a BIG smile...and hugged..."you're so crazy girl!!!!"to each other...then @Hikkie and Gurie also arrived..Hugging again and off we go to board....
Arriving @3.30 SG time we rushed to Marina Bay Sands(as reported by Singaporean friend).We don't have any clue at all where should we go at MBS..so we wondering around at the mall,hotel,backto the mall,hotel...And no signs of SMAP nor the groupies that supposed to following them...We almost desperate...and ask for our friends at Indonesia updating any SMAP whereabouts...and finally they said that SMAP are going to shoot at the hotel's casino...We rushed to the casino...But they refuse to let Hikkie enter...I think it was because she was carrying a backpack(the rest of us carrying a working bag)So...Hikkie was letting us to explore the casino..and we promised that if we saw SMAP we will be back for her and find ways to bring her in...So the three of us wondering around the casino with excited feeling...But no signs of them after half n hour...We felt desperate again....Suddenly...........
Qnuy was opening her twitter and there were a tweet from Hikkie saying SHE SAW NAKAI KUN WITHDRAWLING MONEY FROM HOTEL"S LOBBY ATM!!!!
The three of us were panicking...rushing to seek the nearest exit to the hotel's lobby(we didn't know where is the ATM).And then we found T intersection...And I said"You two go to right..I go to left" I was like a war commander wahahaha....
And this is the moment guys.......
I walked through the lobby and peeping every entrance elevator,so I reached the last entrance...desperate again coz no signs....BUT.....then Goro chan walking towards me!!!!Wearing jeans,white t shirt and long black cardigans with sun glasses on....We were only separated by 1 bodyguard....Suddenly my knee supple....I kept murmuring"goro chan da....goro chan da"while following him from the side...I dialed Qnuy's number with shaking hands but she didn't pick up...But then I saw them walking toward my way and looked like they realize that there were goro chan...We finally united(without Hikkie) and joined with Singaporean Smappy and squeaking like crazy and the bodyguard angry to us and tell us to keep silent,no picture and keep our distance. We ascertained ourselves to obey their rules since we respect our men's privacy.
I asked the Singaporean Smappy'Where re the other??Kimura kun wa?'since my ichiban is Kimura kun..She said"Nakai left to his room...We don't know about Shingo...Tsu is probbly already went bckto Japan due to Iitomo shooting next morning...Kimura kun is ahead from Goro"
WHAT?????How come I didn't realize it??I should've see himfirst instead of Goro....
Finally I saw him!!!THAT KIMURA TAKUYA.....KYAAAAAAAAAA.....He is just excatly like how I know him from all TV programs I saw...So handsome,big aura,kakkoiiii otoko da!!!! I tought he was small...but NO!!!He's quite tall and has broad chest...He's just PERFECT!!!!! He was wering shocking pink t shirt,black jacket, a knee height white pants and of course sunglasses..

And so there were like 20-30 smappies?following them everywhere they went while shopping(I wanna describe all they done but it would take thousands of pages wahahaha....so I will describe anly few...but if you wanna know I will tell)

First they went to suit case store ROWANI...all of us were waiting in front of the store with quite a distance but still can see them clearly...Here I saw Kimura kun was chatting to Goro chan...sometimes luughing together...then Kimura kun took off his jacket..We cn see what's written behind the t shirt "ARTIST WANTED"...XD....WHAT A SEXY GESTURE(I almost fainted)...Goro chan went out the store..close to us and calling someone over his cellphone....KAKKOIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(I wanna be the cellphone...LOL)..then they went out the store..Kimura kun bought1! suitcase.Then Hikkie joined us.

Next the went in to a shoe store...here we saw Goro chan fixing his hair in front of mirror(hyaaa Goro chanppoi)...Kimura kun trying socks and couple pairs of shoes...then went out again....We were still following them,but this time our distance to them quite far...While they on the escalator the bodyguard blocking the way....Almost reach the top the escalator....THEY WAVED AT US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly the mall was exploded with burst of "KYAAAAA" XD(but then we all cover our mouth TOGETHER coz we remember the bodyguard told us to keep silent) It was a funny scene by the way wahahahaha....
Soon after that we run so we didn't loose them....FOUND them!!!We were behind them a small path...Suddenly....Kimura kun stopped...and made U turn...Now they walked toward US!!!!OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!HYAAAAAAAAAA....We were leaning to some store wall....while Kimura kun and Goro chan IN FRINT OF US...WITHIN THE REACH OF OUR HAND!!!!!!!!!.....I was gasping heavily...Can't believe THIS is happening....It;s beyond of my expectation....Just being able to see them is already flew me to paradise..BUT THIS????THANK TO YOU GOD...IT'S YOUR WILL THAT WE CAN EXPERIENCE THIS!!!!

Then they went in a woman's bag store...We all watched them shop from across...till they went out...And I got the chance to took Kimura kun's back from far ^^
They went in to casini...we followed but they just disappeared...then we waited together with Singaporean smappies....chit chatting...Not long some staff told us not to wait again...They're already went bck to Japan...4 of us rushed to airport...saying goodbye to the other smappies....But I think we missed them...anyway they must took a VIP path right? But we still lurking...heheheh...akiramenai yooooo

Finally it's time for us to board our plane back to Jakarta...Bye bye Singapore....Thankyou for this experience GOD!!!!!

This some photos we got....Nakai kus's was taken by Hikkie...Goro chan's by Erica(Hikkie's friend) and Kimura kun's back was taken by ME!!!!

It was a priceless experience for 4 of us....we hugged each other many times...laugh and repeating what was happening...Indescribably feeling indeed

And these are the crazy people I was talking about wakakakaka
Happy faces....in the middle of the night somewhere @ Changi XD

I will tell this story for my kids when I have ones wakakaka
One thing I learn....Put your dreams as high as it can be...There is nothing impossible as long you believe in GOD...Pray for it and GOD will grant everything you pray in HIS own way and times you would never expect..

From now on I will not hesitate to pray about my goals,dreams....
Let's keep dreaming people!!!!

derams come true, smap

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