Title: Of Broken Lesson Plans...
Pairing: Henry/Kyuhyun
Rating: NC-17
Length: 4306 words.
Summary: Part ten of the series that contains
Higher Learning,
Class Reunion,
Locker Room,
Anatomy 101,
Home Economics,
Ph.D. in Perversion,
The Psychology of Love,
Love Lessons Pt. 1, and
Love Lessons Pt. 2. Henry slipps back into Kyuhyun's life and changes a few things around.
“Hey? That’s all I get? I come all this way, and I don’t even get a kiss? I don’t bite Kyuhyun, you know that.” Without giving Kyuhyun a chance to respond Henry took hold of the front of Kyuhyun’s shirt, tugging him forward to close the distance between them as he tilted his head up to mesh his lips with Kyuhyun’s in a kiss that was most likely far too passionate for a place as public as the airport.