
Mar 10, 2006 20:11

I've finaly found a site that is letting me put up all the photographs from Thebes. Over the past two weeks I have created accounts (and false email addresses) at pretty much every free photo hosting site on the web only to find out that once half my pictures are loaded things go wrong and I start swearing.

This one seems to work though, so without further ado, it would give me great pleasure to divert your attention HERE.

No seriously, stop reading this and go look at the damn pictures.

In other news, this semester is rapidly drawing to a close. Next week begins spring break and then after that it's a mere six weeks and I'll be basking in the sun filled region that is Suwanee Georgia. This semester has been going really well despite the huge life eating monster that was Thebes (for the record, I'm not saying that it was bad, just that I literally don't have any memories outside of the costume shop between the dates of January 11th to two weeks ago.) Now we're working on the last show of the semester which is an ensemble developed project based on letters. It's aptly titled Sincerely and is going to be a really exciting, and hopefully thought provoking project.

I have come to realize that I am an absolute dunce at construction. In GC 245 we had to put together these blasted metal boxes which turned out to be fifty different kinds of hell all rolled into one innocent looking storage device. I remember sitting in class while Dr. Simmons was explaining that "all you really have to do is measure properly and follow directions, and it will look fine," and thinking 'oh, come hard can it be? I've been measuing stuff my whole life, I don't see what the problem is...'

Pride goeth before the fall my friends. Remember this.

So to make a long story short, my box was the inbred redneck third cousin of everyone else's box (well, except for Scott who managed to cut one of his tabs off....) and it was with a heavy heart that I dropped it off in the box with all the other projects. Poor box. I bet it's getting laughed at.

I very well may fail GC 245....more on this as the story develops.

That's all for now. Next week we head to Chicago where I will proceed to squander my wallet at H&M and probably on one or two other things as well.

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