Okay, I was tagged by Lindsey a long time ago but have been consumed
with packing and extricating myself from the Jersey that is New. So
here it is:
Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5
weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ
entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly.
In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list
their names.
5 Reasons that I am weird:
- I really like vegetables. You know those kids that always feed
the carrots and broccoli to the family dog? Yeah, that was never me. I
fed the beef and chicken and sausage to the dog (well, actually I just tore it into really small pieces and arranged it carefully in a ring around the bottom of my plate. We didn't have a dog.) I don't know why this is, but it is.
- I am a walking library of showtunes. Seriously. I have no
freaking clue what is going on in pop music (that is what my sister and
mel are for) but I can give you a detailed description of why the
original 1987 Broadway cast of Into the Woods is better than the revival, and argue you to the death that the version of Evita with Madonna and Antonio is far and away one of the most awesome musical-to-movie adaptations of all time.
- I never speed. Never. I am that person that you drive behind and
yell curses at because they are driving to slow and don't they know
that you have somewhere to be and
jesuschristwhydoesn'tthisidiotjustgetofftheroad etc. So curse all you
want, but it won't make me drive faster.
- I'll eat Greek food until the cows come home, but olives for some
unexplainable reason make me nauseous just thinking about them.
- 95% of the movies I own are period films. I hated Old School and couldn't sit through Dodgeball and Zoolander. I don't know if this makes me a pop-culturephobic or just a really big(er) nerd.
Don't drop the ball:
robot26 Well, my first thought was: 'I have too much stuff.' This was followed pretty rapidly by another thought: ' When did I go shopping?'
I am not a shopper. I purchase things through an elaborate process that
involves evaluating what I need, doing research to find the best deal
and then swooping in and claiming the prize. I don't go out and buy
random things for the fun of it. Somehow though, over the past few
months I managed to pretty much double the amount of stuff that I
arrived with. Nevertheless, I was able to mathematically cram
everything into my car leaving not an inch of space free save that for
mom and I to sit. As I looked around at my empty room, it made me a
little sad. I spent four months making it look nice, like someplace
that I lived instead of just slept occasionally, and now here it was, so empty.
Saying goodbye to the people at work was tough. I have come to know
most of them pretty well and have really enjoyed working with them. I
was lonely a lot this semester, but being around such a fun bunch of
people every day that treated me like I was part of their group instead
of just a temporary installment made the bad days a lot better. Luckily
I was able to make it to my car before I got all emotional. (I'm not
emotional either....what is going on here?!?)
Mom and I spent the day before we left in the city. It was so much fun
to be there with someone else. We had lunch at this amazing little
Italian restaurant and then went to the Met for a few hours. When we
left it was already dark, so we walked down Fifth avenue and spied
unabashedly on the inhabitants of the multimillion dollar apartments
that line the street. For some reason, none of them had curtains. I
guess when you can own a huge mansion in the middle of New York City,
it doesn't really matter if a woman and her daughter randomly walking
down the street can see you reading the paper on the toilet in a
wife beater and boxers.
The next day as we attempted to leave Jersey, three things happened
that delayed us. First I got pulled over because the cop though my tag
had expired when in fact it hadn't. I have never been pulled over and
was reduced to a pile of hysterical mush while my mom tried to explain
to the cop that I wasn't usually this high strung. Next, I got a nail
in my tire and made it to the car repair place just as it totally
deflated. Luckily, they were able to put a plug in it and fill it back
up with air. The third thing that happened really doesn't qualify as a
'thing' at all since it really didn't happen, it just almost
happened. As we were leaving on our way out of Manasquan, I drove to
the shore so that Mom could see the beach. As I made a left turn to
head back through the town, I saw a cop stare at the front of my car
(in Jersey you have to have 2 license plates on your car- since I am
not from Jersey,I only have one). Sure enough, as I head down the road
he starts tailing me to read my plate. I guess once he realized my
plate was out of state he lost interest and drove away. I was relieved.
I didn't think that I could turn on the waterworks again so quickly.
So that, in a nutshell, is the last of my time in Manasquan. I am now
fully done with the internship and am back in the good ol' land of
grits and bluegrass. Yee-haw!