Nearing the Finish Line

Dec 11, 2005 10:03

I'll be home in six days.

It all seems sort of surreal somehow. Have I really been here for almost five months? It's one of those instances where each individual day has gone by at a normal to slothlike pace, and yet the overall experience has literally flown by.

I am ready to go home. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done. When I signed up for GC Internship 350, I had no idea that I was also signing up for Homesickness 104, Incompatible Roommate 101, and I Have too Much Time on My Hands 270 (A Study in the Behavioral aspects of Kim when she has too little to stress over and a TV at her disposal.) There were so many days where I walk around and just wish that I was home if for no other reason than to be around familiar faces.

That being said, there were also a whole lot of really great days- moreso than the bad (it's just like everything else, the bad tends to stick in your head while the good gets pushed to the back of the line). I got to see fiev amazing broadway shows, I learned to read mapquest directions while driving at incredible speeds among the world's worst drivers, I got to take improv classes at the UCB from a fantastic instructor, and in doing so meet a lot of really great people, I finally read 'Anna Karenina' which has been on my 'to-read' list for about three years, I learned yoga, I got to work with some incredibly nice (albeit INCREDIBLY sarcastic (translation: we spoke the same language)people), and I figured out what I want to do with my life- something that I don't think I could have done if I hadn't had the opportunity to remove myself from the everyday and take a candid look at who I am. As I was driving home from the grocery store last night I realized that I am going to miss being here. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely looking forward to coming home, but I feel as though I have finally made a place for myself here. I have always been independent, but this is the first opportunity that I have had to really stand on my own two feet. It is something that no class could have taught me.

Today I will add another course to my already impressive resume: Creative Packing 440: A study in forms that will result in Kim being able to (by the grace of God with a little help from physics) pack all the shit that she has accumulated over the past four and a half months into her Grand Prix. Some restorative breathing and muscle relaxants may be in order.

I wish all of you with finals this week the very best of luck- as I do a little dance of joy over the fact that I HAVE NO FINALS (oh come would do the same thing if you were in my position). Study hard. Imbibe much on legal stimulants. Decompress with alcohol and cheesy movies and all will be good.
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