Fiction Listings

Feb 20, 2022 14:19

This is a list of my fan fiction, so I could find it faster. I hope you enjoy it as well. If anything sparks a thought in you, kindly provide constructive feedback. Unless warnings indicate explicit, stories are safe for work.

Stargate Universe:

Do You Want To Dance? TJ/Young (adult - explicit sex) Pre-series relationship.

Consequenses Unexpected Rush, Greer, Young, TJ and Destiny - 5 different unexpected moments.

Still Life Young POV - 5 moments that affect Everett Young.

Dreams To Reality TJ/Young - Motherhood reflections - TJ POV.

Fire & Ice Lisa Park - Inspired by shena8's manip post at SGU_Challenge.

It's Criminal, This Kiss TJ/Young (adult - explicit sex) Inspired by shena8's manip post at SGU_Challenge.

Fixins, Kids & Relationships Brody & Becker, Eli & Corporal Barnes, Wray & Young - 3 dialogue only stories.

Stressing Cock Envy TJ/Young (adult - explicit sex) Crack!fic inspired by shena8's manip post at SGU_Challenge.

Jogging is Freedom Boone - jogging on Destiny.

Special Delivery TJ/Young (adult - explicit sex) Novus timeline.

One Last Time TJ/Young (adult - explicit sex) Missing Scenes for Light.

Stranger Things Eli, Volker & Brody - Volker & Brody set up a joke on Eli.

Favorite Things Young, Johansen & Scott; Brody, Volker & Park; Wallace & Rush - 3 Drabbles of my Favorite Stargate Universe Things.

Sunny Encounter Everett/Emily, Henry & Brianna Voight - Crossover with Mutant X.

Let It Go Young, Volker, Rush, Scott - Missing Scene from Malice.

One Sweet Tender Touch Young POV - song!fic.

Five Moments of Life Johansen, Young, Yaozu, Volker, Park & Greer (adult themes) - 5 fics from prompt table.

First Step TJ/Young - Alternate Universe - Pre-series relationship.

Cold Hunt TJ/Young - (adult themes - violence & slight gore) Alternate Universe fic.

Reality of Id Vanessa James - (adult themes - a bit of gore)

Longer Fics - (3K plus):

Team Effort TJ/Young (adult - explicit sex) - Novus timeline.

Generic Disclaimer covers all fan fiction:

© kimmy4eytj, Continuous months: 2010, 2011, 2012
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM, ACME Shark, and Spyglass Productions and their subsidiaries. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognized characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

organizational post, [f]: stargate universe, [a]: kimmy4eytj, [w]: fan fiction

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