kimmiepoppins Oct 01, 2013 02:00
jodi moore, ya outside the lines, oblong books, book signings, booksellers, mary poppins, simon pulse, bea, contest, dedication, young adult (ya), the class of 2k12, signed copies, julie andrews, book launch, wolfson literary, publishing, bookanistas, scbwi, anica rissi, jay asher, paperback, class of 2k12, barnes & noble, arcs, author events, kim sabatini, john green, touching the surface, michelle wolfson, family, jeff fielder, dancing, golf bag holder, simon & schuster, apocalypsies, bologna, dance, ya books, community, in the wild
kimmiepoppins May 31, 2013 02:00
book expo america, book signings, booksellers, publishing, arcs, bea harlem shake, author events, kim sabatini, kimberly sabatini, bea, conferences, community
kimmiepoppins Mar 14, 2012 02:00
tempest, check-it-out, touching the surface, young adult (ya), teamteenauthor, truth or dare challenge, arcs, arc relay, the perfect ten, kim sabatini, kimberly sabatini, ya books, julie cross