Thanks to my
Amazon wishlist (people, make one, they are awesome and so convenient!!) John's mom got me the #1 book I've been coveting for a long time:
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.
Basically the book pimps a new methodology of bread baking. Traditional recipes say you have to cultivate the yeast, let it sit, then proof the dough for hours, knead your brains out, proof more, knead more, etc. For only one loaf at a time no less! Well no more!
This book has you mix all the ingredients at once, proof for 2 hours, allows you keep your HUGE dough ball in the fridge for 2 weeks for delicious baked bread every day! And trust me, since Sunday, when I made my first batch, I've had yummy homemade whole wheat bread every day. And I have been waiting all day to go home and have more. And I can't wait to do it all again for the rest of the week.
This is seriously the first cookbook I've ever had that I cannot wait to make every single recipe in it. BREADWOOT!