Oct 15, 2005 21:20
it's been raining here for days.....
there is nothing that sucks more than Boston on a rainy day. can't leave the office to get lunch. can't wear skirts cause i hate getting my feet wet. just plain suck.
it's been an interesting week. france, here i come. well, in february at least. and i'm excited and nervous and scared and so many different emotions all at once. but it needs to be done. i need to go, not only for work, but also for ME.
hockey started again, and last night's game was great. kick some manchester ass...it was wonderful. going out with courtney again tonight, and we're getting a late start.
i'm drifting away from jared. i feel it, he feels it, and i think everyone else can see it too. we're different and nothing's the same, but i don't know how to fix it, or if i even want to fix it. but then i look at it from another angle, and everything is fine. nothing's changed and he's oblivious....who knows...but what else is new?
i'm just going to immerse myself in work. i had my review and the only way to describe it is glowing. i love my job, and it seems like they like me a whole lot too....
everything is moving so fast, but at the same time, so slow. i feel like i'm getting motion sickness just watching my life fly by, but then again, it seems to be moving so slow that i want to kick it in the ass...the past is coming back to haunt me, and somehow i'm welcoming it with open arms....but i'm so over it, and at the same time, i'm nowhere near over it....
i'm 25 and then i'm 12....i'm a woman and then i'm a little girl....i still haven't figured out how to play the game, but i'm sure having a rough time in practice....if only someone would slip me the other team's playbook....