School = Death

Aug 30, 2005 23:08

I hate that it's 11 at night and I feel tired. All summer I stayed up until 3 am and I hate that I can't do that anymore. School needs to die a horrible death.

Speaking of school, I've now officially had all four of my classes. My music class is going to be unbelieveably easy. I don't really know about my other classes. In Business Communications today we had to get up in front of the class and say our names, our major, where we're from, what we did this summer, 3 things about us, and something good that happened to us in the last 24 hours. Mine went a little like this:

"I'm Kim, I'm a liberal arts major. I'm from Franklin. This summer I went on road trip with my friends to Tulsa, Oklahoma to see a concert. I like concerts and music. I ate subway last night and that was good."

The class laughed at my subway comment. It was a lie though. I actually didn't eat subway last night. I couldn't think of anything good that happened to me in the last 24 hours, so I came up with that. It went over well.

Public speaking makes me want to throw up. I should have said "I hate public speaking" as one of the 3 things about me.

I called Jesse yesterday and it went right to his voicemail. I left a message asking him to call me back. Did he? No. I hate when people don't call me back. I'll try again tomorrow. I miss that kid.

Taylor Hanson has a beard and a mustasch. If you just look at him from the side it looks kind of good.

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