
Aug 27, 2005 22:35

Its been a long time! I think I'm going to try to update this again. We'll see how that goes!

I called Chris today to see if he wanted to go to lunch. He said he did and told me to come over. I went over to his apartment (for those who care, he lives on main street now, not elm street and I kind of hate it because parking sucks and his new apartment is so small). He and Lindsey were waiting for me outside the apartment so I didn't have to park. They wanted to go to Hannaford to get salads, I wanted to go to Subway because Subway is my life. We did both and then went to Wilbur Park and ate on the ground. Yes, we had a picnic. I'm not a fan of picnics. Too many effing bugs.

We went back to Chris's apartment to hang out. Chris parked my car on the street and told me not to worry about the parking meter because he has never gotten a ticket. I have serious anxieties when it comes to parking my car places. I put a quater in anyway which gave me an hour.

I think what I love most about going to Chris's is that even just sitting there on the couch in front of the TV is fun. We watch music videos and Chris and his friends just make fun of everything and it's hilarious. Sometimes I feel like they should have their own show on TV where they just do commentary over music videos. Everyone would love it.

So Chris, Lindsey, and I were sitting there watching the music video for that "Pon De Replay" song. Kellen walks in and just looks at us as we're sitting there not talking watching this ridiculous video for this ridiculous song. It was pretty funny. Aparently Vinnie is sick, so Kellen's band (I Am the Avalanche) is on a little break right now and Kellen came home. It was nice to see him again. I haven't seen him since new years. He sat down and watched music videos with us too.

Chris informed me that Frank was in Oneonta with his girlfriend. I didn't know he had a new girlfriend. It's not like I think now that there's any chance I have with him, but I do still like him and I often wonder if we ever could have had a relationship if we didn't crash and burn. I guess we'll never know. Anyway, I would have been happy to see Frank if he didn't have his girlfriend with him. Luckily I didn't have to. Chris wanted to go to Pine Lake and he gathered all his friend up. He asked me to come, but I didn't really want to especially since Frank and his girlfriend were going to be there. So when they were leaving for Pine Lake I said goodbye to everyone and left for home. Pretty exciting day.

Summer is over on Monday. Classes start and I'm going to hate life. I start up work study again too. Not looking forward to this. I've had such an amazing summer though. It all went by so fast. Lets have a quick recap:

Driving to Tulsa, OK in May to see Hanson - Sometimes I still can't believe I did that. I can't believe I got to see Hanson in their hometown and then go see the Documentary with them. That whole trip was amazing.

Seeing Hanson in New Jersey - Probably one of the best Hanson shows I've been to ever. I loved it. I made eye contact with Isaac a few times. It was creepy.

Chicago trip - Seeing Brendan Leonard again was pretty awesome. I want to marry Pat Mohr...I would settle for Michael Carney though.

What a great freaking summer. Although school sucks, I do have a few things to look forward to like:

10.28 - Hanson (Philly)
10.29 - Hanson (Atlantic City)
11.05 - Hanson (Hampton Beach)

3 Hanson shows on one tour? Come on. Who am I?

Alright. I'm done!
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