A story told in two parts [NC17 - 1/?] cas/dean

Nov 18, 2009 00:51

AN: This is done a little different from most fanfiction as it was rewritten on the rpg forum I own. However, it is a good story, and interesting to read if you are a fan of Cas/Dean. It was written by myself and a friend of mine. It is in post form, so will switch back and forward between Dean's POV and Castiel's POV. It is slash and very romantic in parts lol! Anyway, I needed a safe place to keep it just in case the rp site gets deleted for any reason. Which I hope it won't! But it is a possibility. So instead of just saving it to my computer I thought, why not put it on LJ and see what other thought of it! That said, anyone who reads it and likes it let us know!AN: This is done a little different from most fanfiction as it was rewritten on the rpg forum I own. However, it is a good story, and interesting to read if you are a fan of Cas/Dean. It was written by myself and a friend of mine. It is in post form, so will switch back and forward between Dean's POV and Castiel's POV. It is slash and very romantic in parts lol! Anyway, I needed a safe place to keep it just in case the rp site gets deleted for any reason. Which I hope it won't! But it is a possibility. So instead of just saving it to my computer I thought, why not put it on LJ and see what other thought of it! That said, anyone who reads it and likes it let us know!

The part of Dean is written by the wonderful doubledgedsword

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or these characters, they belong to Kripke! May he always keep them well!

Graphic as made by meh!

P.S I am completely knew to LJ so if I do something wrong in my posting, please for everyone's sanity let me know! lol And here is the story.


Should I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take


Castiel stood in a dimly lit bar beside Dean. How he'd gotten there or why he wasn't really sure on... which needless to say worried him. He never did anything without a reason. And he certainly didn't forget. So how he had found himself standing along side Dean by the bar, a beer in... in his hand... he didn't drink beer, he didn't drink anything. What the hell was going on here. And why was it that he had the feeling that he'd been here for some time. Half the beer was gone, Dean was talking to him... though Castiel had no idea what he was saying just now. He was still looking around bewildered. Not an expression he was seen with much. Maybe it was that which caused Dean to stop talking and stare at him.

Because at the sudden silence from the man the angel turned his head and gazed at him. Dean was staring at him like he'd been confused by something. He also looked rather intoxicated Castiel noted. "Dean..." Castiel started as he continued to look worried and confused himself. "How did I get here?" He asked. God knew what the man would make of that question. After all, Cas never needed to be told where he'd come from or how he'd gotten somewhere... because he always knew...

"How long have I been here? What is going on...." He added as he gazed intensely at Dean like he always did when he was very serious and needed an answer... which he would admit was, well, most of the time. But he was an angel, rebelled or not, he was on earth to help fight the war, not to drink beer and get.... lost. He wasn't here to have... fun as Dean kept telling him he needed to try sometime. 'Loosen up' he kept saying, 'have some fun'. Problem was.. even if Castiel wanted to do as he suggested, he wouldn't even know where to begin. In all his existence he had never been told to 'have fun' and up until very recently he had only ever done what he was ordered to do. This free will thing was still something he was having trouble adjusting too.


Dean was dreaming. But as is often the way with dreams, the dreamer just accepts weird things and moves on. As dreams went, Dean had suffered through much worse. The dreams where he was back in hell, either on the rack or worse again, torturing those on the rack, were definitely not ones he enjoyed. This one was much different. In a bar, with drinks, and Castiel. By comparison to his other dreams, this was as pleasant a dream as he had ever had.

"You're here 'cause I dragged your ass down here, and it's so we can share a couple of beers, Cass," Dean said, grinning widely. "We've got something to celebrate." As soon as he said it, it was true. The reason for celebration was not apparent to him, but it soon would be. Dreams often worked like that.

Dean knew he was drunk. That much was obvious to him. He had only had one beer so far, but he supposed that it was just really, really, really, really, REALLY good beer.

"Come on, Cas, just cut loose for once!" Dean said, starting to get a bit pissed off that Cas was just standing there questioning everything rather than loosening up and having a beer with him. That was all he wanted, not much to ask for. They had been through so much lately that they definitely deserved some time off. They were entitled to a bit of relaxation, and definitely to a bit of fun. "All that's going on is you being a wet blanket. Have some beer... Come oooon, even the Bible says it's okay to drink beer!" he added with a laugh.

He knew now that it was his purpose to make Castiel loosen up and try some beer. The angel had spent most of eternity following orders. Dean could relate to that. Ever since childhood, he had followed his father's orders to the letter. Even after John had died, he was still Daddy's little soldier. Hell, even with all that, Dean still knew how to chill out with a couple bottles of beer. He wanted to show the angel how to do that.


Castiel stood stone still for a while and simply looked at Dean with a confused expression on his face as the man talked to him. His hand still wrapped around his beer which was now getting warm with the heat of his palm, and his head titled a little to the side. He still had no clue how he'd ended up here and Dean's answer didn't seem to help him at all. The only thing he could think of was that he'd somehow managed to wind up in one of Dean Winchesters Dreams... And he didn't even stop to think about why Dean was dreaming about the two of them together in a bar... nope didn't stop for a second. Just like the thought of it didn't make his stomach flutter in a way he'd never felt before... not even a little bit.

"Loosen up?" He asked in his normal even monotone as his piercing blue eyes searched Dean's for... something. Though he really wasn't sure what. Maybe an answer on exactly how one 'loosens up' according to Dean Winchester. Because Castiel had already disobeyed heaven and killed two of his brothers... how much 'looser' could he get as far as he was concerned. But something in Deans face made Cas think that maybe it wasn't that sort of loosening up Dean wanted him to do. Seeing as the man kept going on about having 'fun'. Problem was.... Castiel had never had 'fun' really, wasn't even sure how to go about it. So he sort of stood there staring at Dean looking more than a little lost and confused. His blue eyes questioning as he continued to look into Dean's as if the answer would pop straight out of them for him if he looked long and hard enough.

"I" He started but stopped not even sure what he was wanting to say. The thing was, this might have been a dream for Dean but Cas didn't dream, he didn't sleep. He was really here inside Dean's head... Ok so not actually inside it, but for him everything... the feelings, the smells, the tastes, the touch of the cold glass on his fingers. It was all as good as real for him. And he still didn't know why or how he'd ended up here in Dean's head. He'd been here once before but that was of his doing, he'd planned that one. It had been the only way to get Dean a message in private. Not that it had worked out so well... He pushed all thoughts of what had happened to him when he'd been yanked back to heaven from his head and sighed finally.

Well as he was here he might as well go along with what Dean is asking him to do.. More because something about Dean has always made Castiel want to say yes to him, never no. He didn't understand why. Just like he didn't really understand why he'd done everything he'd done since that night in the 'green room' as Dean calls it. All he knew was that it was all for Dean. He wanted only to be always saying yes to this man for heaven knew what reason. And for so long he'd almost always had to say no. So many times it had eaten away at him until he just couldn't do it anymore. And that was the reason, well the easy to explain to himself reason, behind his rebellion.

And now as he stood gazing intensely at Dean he was struck again with the desire not to say no. So instead he glanced at the full beer in his hands and lifted it slowly to his lips. Drawing it back and taking his first taste of... well anything... ever. He wondered briefly as the liquid poured down his throat what Dean would say if he realised that he had just managed to get Castiel, an angel, to drink his first ever drink... ever. The thought made his eyes smile as the corner of his mouth twitched ever so slightly, as he lowered the glass and gazed at Dean again. He decided that he liked beer right then at the look of amusement on Dean's face... why he decided that and why the look Dean gave him had helped him to that conclusion he wasn't sure... not sure at all, nope. At least he certainly wasn't about to go into an in depth analyze of it.


The beer was good, and for some reason the barman wasn't asking for money. He must be running a tab for them. Sweeeeeeet, Dean could live with that. Especially if he just ran like the wind when it was time to pay. The life of a hunter involved making sacrifices like this... for the good of the hunt, of course... nothing else. Nope.

Castiel was still proving difficult. He wondered would he have to define "loosen up" for the angel, and maybe order him to do so. You never know, it could work... and Dean was just drunk enough to think it might.

"Yeah, Cas... loosen up. As in relax, become less uptight, stop being so robotic," he explained, making robot gestures with his arms as he said the last part. He stopped himself, figuring that part would probably just further confuse the angel. He took everything so literally all the time. Maybe a figure of speech was a poor choice.

He took another draught of beer from his pint glass, the condensation making his fingers slick and wet as he grasped the glass in his hands. "It's real easy, Cas, just lift the glass to your lips like so," he said, showing him exactly how to do it, "and then you pour some into your mouth and swallow. Poor Jimmy in there must be jonesing for a drink at this stage!"

He set down his drink and wondered why Castiel was looking so confused. None of this seemed out of place to him, it all seemed natural, comfortable and easy. Why couldn't Castiel seem to switch off his spidey senses and just go with it? Something was nudging at the edge of his consciousness, threatening to break the dream and wake him up, but he was too determined to see Castiel take a load off to let morning wake him.

Castiel had done such a lot for him and Sam... he felt so indebted to him. There were some things two men just could not go through together and not end up as close as two friends could be, and he and Cas had been through more than enough of those occasions. Christ, Castiel had pulled him out of hell. For that alone, he owed him more than he could ever admit to. While waking up in his own coffin was no picnic, after Hell, it was like waking up in a king-size bed in the freaking Hilton. Castiel had rebelled because of him... he had said so before. He wasn't sure why the memory of that had made him feel slightly strange. He pushed it from his mind as Castiel tentatively raised the glass of beer to his lips.

Dean's eyes widened. He was doing it... he was actually going to do it!

As Castiel swallowed, Dean cheered. "Awesome!" he whooped. "Now, the next part of my job is to get you drunk... and no complaints from you, precious, you're gonna end up good and wasted." He had only called him precious as a piss-take, but it seemed to suit. Awesome. That would be Castiel's nickname for the evening. Sure as hell sounded better than "Castiel" anyway.


Castiel Blinked at Dean as he took another tentative mouthful of beer, which he subsequently almost choked on when Dean slapped him on the arm. He was not used to the whole motion of drinking and the added shock of the unexpected action making Cas splutter and swallow awkwardly before putting the glass down and glaring at Dean for a moment. It was only for a moment though as he stopped his weak coughing and the slightly confused but willing to follow Dean look returned to his face as he tried to think about what to say first. "Robotic?" He asked "I do not move like a robot Dean and I am not made of metal and circuitry." He turned his head again as he always does when Dean is confusing him, his eyes lowering to the ground as he tried to work out what about him could be referred to as robotic.. Unable to figure it out he moved his mind to something else that he figured needed answering.

"Jimmy is gone Dean..." He said truthfully in a low voice. He was not sure if Dean would be happy to find this out or not, or why it mattered so much to him that Dean know. But it did matter, it mattered a hell of a lot. He needed Dean to know that this was just him now, no more Jimmy, he had gone, died when Castiel had died. Only god didn't bring him back too, he had returned Castiel to this body but it was an empty vessel now. Jimmy's soul was in heaven where it belonged. Where he could be happy, finally at peace. Not dragged around all over the world by an angel. Something Castiel knew he had not liked and something he was glad he no longer had to do.

"I can't get drunk Dean..." He said then after he pushed the thoughts of Jimmy from his mind and turned his eyes to Dean after taking a drink... this time without the choking he was pleased to say. Maybe this drinking idea of Dean's wouldn't be such a bad idea anyway. At least it meant Cas didn't have to spend another night alone doing nothing but standing waiting for his next task. The next time he can find Dean and tell him what they need to do now to try and save the world... Why did it always come back to Dean? Cas ignored the question and instead took his beer and decided to distract himself with drinking. So in a matter of moments he was drawing in a deep breath after having downed the entire contains in one go.

He turned to Dean and smiled then, are real, honest to goodness smile. Something he could not remember doing for... so many years. Thousands it might have been. And put the glass down triumphantly. Something inside him fluttered again at Dean's excitement when he had finally taken his first mouthful... wait did he say fluttered? Because it really didn't, not even close... Nope no fluttering.

Angels don't flutter, especially because humans call them precious and actually want to spend time with them. Even if it was only a dream... it was still a dream Castiel was glad he was a part of. "Precious?" He asked as he rose a confused eyebrow. Though there was a different emotion mixed in with the confusion in his eyes... something that could be called amusement... though why it would amuse him he really, really didn't know. In fact there was a lot he didn't seem to understand about tonights proceedings. And for once in his life he decided he didn't care. And that, he was pretty sure, was a good way to start 'loosening up' Or at least it seemed like it to him. Maybe it wouldn't be enough for Dean but it was a start no?


Dean felt pretty pleased with himself. He had convinced Castiel to drink, so now he had a drinking buddy. Their friendship had officially moved up a notch from "merely fighting evil together" to "best friend drinking buddies". Dean made a confused face when he realised what he had just thought. Cass would most likely wonder what the face was for, but hell, Dean was wondering what that thought was for! Was Cas really his best friend? Now he thought about it, he had spent more time with him than he had with his own brother lately, and he certainly trusted him more than Sam after everything that had passed... so he certainly fell into the category of best friend. Dean wasn't sure why that thought made him slightly uncomfortable. But, this was a dream, so he wasn't going to think about it too much.

Someone had selected his favourite song on the jukebox. That was some awesome luck right there... Deep Purple's Highway Star's jumping bass intro was thumping through the speaker's in the bar, but he could still hear Castiel's voice over it. This song always made him feel great... it made him think of his baby, the Impala. He tapped his foot in time with the rhythm as he listened to Cas. So Jimmy was gone? Why did that make him feel... kinda happy?

"Pour some out for Jimmy! Shoulda known... I mean, you DID blow up. Shoulda known Jimmy wouldn't come back too easily from that," he said, his voice sombre as he tipped out a little of his drink onto the floor, ignoring the irritated snarl from the barman as he did so. So this was all Castiel now... no Jimmy lurking in the background. That was... good to know.

He grinned playfully at Cas. "Well, you thought you couldn't drink, and now look at you. You might just get drunk tonight, Cas... and if you can't, we'll sure as hell give it a try!" It was so nice to have someone to cut loose with, and not to have to worry about Sammy. "I love it! I need it!" Dean sang under his breath, unable to resist a bit of air guitar along with his favourite part of the song. He laughed, realising he must look like a bit of a tool to Cas right now. "It's a great song, what can I say?" he said, shrugging and smiling his easy smile.

Cas downed his entire drink, and Dean nodded approvingly. That was more like it. He clapped an arm around Castiel's shoulders and gave him a manly side-hug. "Don't ever change, Cas," he said, grinning widely as he gestured at the barman to bring them two more beers. He downed his own beer and gasped for breath after chugging the final few mouthfulls.

And woah... was Castiel smiling? Actually smiling? This was a first!

"Dude..." Dean said in a low, awed voice. "Dude, you're smiling."

Part Two

fanfiction, supernatural, cas/dean, slash

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