More Than I Deserve

Jan 19, 2010 16:38

Title: More than I deserve
Rating: PG
Characters and/or Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Spoilers: Changing Channels
Word Count: 2297


"Morning Sammy!"

Sam shot up in bed like he'd been stung. What the hell he's sleep ridden mind questioned, still in something of a shock at the sudden wake up call. The only thing his brain had registered was that it wasn't Dean waking him. Hell Dean wasn't even here, him and Cas were off at some other motel, thankfully (hopefully) very far away from Sam. He didn't have a problem with what his brother did with his angel, but he sure as shit didn't want to hear about it.

"Wha... Who's there?" He mumbled as his eye's blinked around the small room searching for the source of the obscenely loud greeting he'd received.

"Sammy, I'm hurt, after all the fun we've had you forget me? Crushed, shattered, heart broken"

Sam's eyes finally locked on a man who was not flailing around on the end of his bed looking for all the world that he was about to die from a broken heart.

"What the fuck..."

Sam's eye's narrowed and his body stiffened defensively as he tore out of bed and wished to shit he had gone to bed in more than just a pair of boxers.

"What the hell Gabriel, what are you even doing here, and for god sake, stand the fuck up would you. Christ."

"Tsk, tsk Sammy, such Blasphemy, I should wash your mouth out with soap... or holy water maybe."

Gabriel stood off the bed and smirked at Sam.

"Jesus Sammy, you grew up good didn't you" Gabriel said as he leered at Sam completely ignoring the fact that he had just blasphemed also.

Sam was tense and glared hard at Gabriel, even as the blush started to rush to his check and neck. It wasn't like Sam cared what the angel thought of him... not at all. But he was practically butt ass naked and an arch angel was looking at him like he'd like nothing more than to throw Sam down on the bed and lick him from head to toe... And hell NO Sam's cock did not just twitch at that idea. Not a chance.

"Either start explaining why you're here all of a sudden or leave Gabriel" Sam all but growled as he reached for his duffel bag and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

He'd dressed as fast as he could before turning back to Gabriel who was still quiet. The angel was simply watching Sam with a look on his face that Sam was pretty damn sure he'd never seen on it before. And what the hell? When did Gabriel start looking at him like that. There was a soft smile on his face, and his eye's were shining with something Sam had seen before from other people... from... Jess. Jesus Fuck! NO, he was seeing things, there was no way. Not a chance... And why the fuck did it make his chest tight thinking about the possibility. Sam did not like the damned angel. He hated him, he was the Trickster, he had killed Dean over and over, he had fucked with them in that damn T.V world of his. He had refused to help them. No Sam was sure he hated the angel. So he continued to glare at him, to show him just how much he really hated him.

"I'm here to tell you I have decided to help you, I am here to fight, help you stop Lucifer." Gabriel told Sam, his face had changed into a serious, somewhat dangerous looking mask. It masked a possessive fury that had Sam stepping back even more for the angel. Yeah ok, Gabriel was damn scary when he looked like that. It wasn't so much the face, it was the barely contained power that radiated off him and washed over Sam. Yeah there was no doubt about just what Gabriel was or how powerful he really was. And it struck Sam then for the first time, just how much damage Gabriel could have done to him and Dean over the years if he'd really wanted to. So maybe he wasn't all evil as Dean believed. After all, he was an angel, not that that was a free pass on being an asshat, and Gabriel was totally an asshat.

"Why?" Sam asked coldly, "why would you want to help us?"

"Not 'us' Sammy, you I want to help you." Gabriel replied. A bright smile falling into place and making his eyes shine.

"I don't get it... what do you mean, you want to help me?"

"I have decided to make sure that Lucifer never gets his hands on you." Gabriel stated matter of factly. "Oh and I will do what I can, to try and help you end the mess you and your brother... along with the less than intelligent brothers of mine"

"Why?" Sam asked again, his voice quiet with shock.

"Sammy, Sammy, Sammy, can't I just want to do something nice, make up for all the times I killed Dean or something?" Gabriel asked playfully. Clearly avoiding giving a real answer.

"No, why Gabriel" Sam asked his voice more firm as he took a step toward the angel, towering over him, but feeling a little silly at trying to use his height advantage to intimated an arch angel.

Gabriel stepped closer and smiled up at Sam, they were only about a foot apart now.

"You trying to make me nervous Sammy?" Gabriel smirked

"Don't call me Sammy" he retorted finally having had enough of the familiarity with which the angel said his name.

"Would you rather I called you baby? Cause I could totally get on board with that idea..."

"Wha... Why the hell would you call me baby. Christ Gabriel, tell me why you want to help me or fuck off would you, you're giving me a head ache." Sam snapped, he's stomach was doing stupid little flip flops at the way Gabriel sounded calling him baby and his head was pounding as he tried to work out what was going on, not to mention the closer the angel got, the faster Sam's heart started beating. But he couldn't bring himself to back away.

"Dean calls Castiel baby..." Gabriel replied as though this made it perfectly clear why the angel would call him baby. Only that really didn't do anything to help Sam.

"What? You do realise that Dean and Cas are in a relationship yes? And that we sure as shit ain't. So yeah, you calling me baby, still doesn't make no sense."

"And what if I told you it made perfect sense" Gabriel murmured softly as he stepped into Sam's personal space and leaned up on his tip toes. Stopping just short of having their lips pressed together. He had one hand on Sam's chest, fingers splayed out and leaned his weight into it just a little. Sam could feel Gabriel's breath hot on his lips and he knew he should back away, turn away, shove the angel from him. Cause this was just wrong. He didn't like the angel, not like this, certainly shouldn't want to close the gap between them and kiss him till neither of them could breath. SHIT where had that thought come from.

But he did want it, oh god, Sam could feel his body tremble and lean closer to Gabriel of it's own accord. Damn it.

"Gabriel..." his voice shook and sounded broken, weak to his own ears and he knew he hadn't managed to hide the desire running through him at all.

Gabriel didn't answer, not with words anyway. He serged forward and closed the small gap between them, his other hand moving to Sam's neck and pulling his head down, the first press of lips was soft and tender and not at all like Sam was expecting from someone like Gabriel. God, but it was good, better than good, amazing. Sam leaned down into it and his hands found their way to the angel's hips, gripping tightly. He sighed softly as he felt Gabriel's tongue pressing against his lips softly begging for entrance. Sam's brain had left the building the moment Gabriel had started kissing him and so he didn't even think before parting his lips and breathing in the taste of Gabriel as the angel's tongue entered his mouth and slowly sort out his own. He pushed his tongue forward almost gently and moaned out loud when he felt the soft push of the others against his own. It was without a doubt the best kiss Sam had had in... well ever if he was honest. And what was that about... he didn't even like men! But damn, he had already decided he never wanted to stop kissing Gabriel. Because... Shit!

Sam reached around the smaller body with his arms and pulled Gabriel hard against him as he deepened the kiss, it became heated, passionate. And Sam was fairly sure his knees were starting to wobble the weaker they got.

Finally he had to pull away, panting for breath he lifted his head from Gabriel's mouth and drew in a deep breath. He was trembling and he looked down at the angel with a mix of lust and wonder, not to mention a good deal of shock and confusion.

"Well that was... fun" Gabriel spoke first with a playful smirk.

Sam just blinked at him.

"Sammy, you ok there?" Gabriel asked with an amused expression.

"I.." Sam started, still clinging to Gabriel, like the angel might just up and leave if he let go. "You... kissed me!" Sam finished.


"You... I... why?" Sam stuttered. He wasn't complaining, god no, not after that. After that, he was pretty damn sure he was in love... not that he'd ever, ever admit that to anyone... ever.

"You like asking that question don't you Sammy" Gabriel teased.

Sam simply gazed at him, waiting.

"Okay, fine, the truth... You wanted to know why I'd changed my mind, decided to help you... well, kissing you seemed the better way of answering. Show you rather than just tell you sorta deal." If Sam didn't know better he'd think the angel was rambling, that he was nervous...

"You, you, decided to help me because you wanted to kiss me?" Sam asked, unable to hide his disbelief at that explanation, if all Gabriel had wanted was a kiss, he could have just taken it without offering anything in return.

"Thought you were some time of Genius or something Sammy?" Gabriel retorted fondly, shaking his head in amusement. They were still locked together in each others arms, neither it seemed ready to let go. "I don't just want to kiss you Sam, I just.. I want... you, the way Castiel has Dean. I..." The angel turned bright read and looked away. And Sam couldn't help but snort out a huff of laughter. Bashful, shy Gabriel was just about the most adorable thing he'd ever seen.

"You what Gabriel?" He prodded softly, his tone showing he wasn't teasing, that he genuinely wanted to know. To make sure it was clear he nuzzled against Gabriel's jaw for a moment before lifting his head up, happy that the angel was once again looking up at him.

"I love you ok, damn it, had to make me say it didn't you.. I hate you" He snapped, pouting. Looking sorely put upon.

Sam chuckled, smiling just about the biggest smile he'd ever worn and leaned down to kiss the angel... his angel, softly before murmuring against his lips. "No you don't... you love me"

"Shut up" Gabriel muttered before kissing him back.

"I love you to, god knows why, but apparently I do" Sam whispered softly when they broke apart for air again.

"I know" was all Gabriel replied sounding far to pleased with him. And then he was gone, and Sam was standing alone in his suddenly too cold hotel room gapping at the space where Gabriel had just been. Cursing he let his arms fall to his side and stood wondering what to do now, when a knock at the door jarred him into action.

He pulled it open and glared at his brother and Cas from the other side. Guessing they were why Gabriel had left so suddenly.

"What?" he snapped glaring at his brother as he turned and headed for his bed, throwing himself onto his pillow. He was going to ignore the other two until they fucked off and Gabriel came back.

"Morning to you too princess" Dean replied with an amused smirk.

Sam was about to reply when he felt something beneath his hand. It was a piece of paper. Sitting up he pulled it out and looked down at the short note on it, a smile crossing his face.

Your brother is a dick, be back later

Love Gabriel

P.S make sure you're alone and naked!

Sam huffed out a laugh and tucked the note into his jeans pocket before turning to Dean with a smile.




fanfiction, sam/gabriel, slash

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