(no subject)

Oct 29, 2005 21:34

Theres no progress if you don't express.
Theres no deduction if you don't think.
Theres no friendship if you don't talk.
Theres no nothing if you don't act.
Theres no self if you don't exist.
Theres no being if you don't fufill.

Today I asked my old math teacher just as a joke... what the meaning of life was. I expected her to say... I will tell you in 30 seconds or less. Or another one of her catch cliche phrases, like, well thats a horse of another color! Or.. you can't work with apples and oranges. But she just looked at me for a second and said.... *sharp inhale* No. And said nice to see you Daniel talk to you later.

As i laughed myself walking down the hall i started to think, which... as boring as it sounds is what i do.

What is the meaning of life, I asked a friend and she replied its different for everyone, and most people, including me wont find their own meaning of life until they're like 30 and quote " They'll just wake up one morning and know" Simple enough just wait.

Another friend, who is agnostic, but pretty much aethist, says our purpose is to reproduce and die.
Which I'm afraid is a closer to the truth/science answer. Maybe because her dad is a scientist who knows.
But it seems to dark for most minds. How would you convince all the god loving people out there.. that the only purpose is to do what they've been denying themselves. Sex. And carry out what everyone fears. Death.

So how do we convince the mass of the population that God doesn't exist, that god is just a projection of our wants and needs. Or our fears, or simply knowledge that cannot go unanswered logically. Simply enough we can just go around singing god doesn't exist, but you'd be labled an aethist... And no one would listen.
But times are changing, god must evolve with our thoughts, even if the next step in his evolution is deletion.

Will my thoughts that i claim to be knowledge one day be a general thought of the world? That we CREATED god with stories? We created god to fill the empty answers in our brains, the empty spaces in our hearts?

No, straight aethist is not the next step the human race is taking religiously i think. Thats too much of a jump.

The better jump is a more suitable idea of god. Down right killing the word and the idea, and starting fresh. Replacing god with self, truth, love, and adventure. Lets just straight say that god is our emotions. Instead of saying.. oh.. god is.. "out there" ... God is each and everyone of us, creating love, conflict (Unfortunately) and all of the emotions good and bad that we express. The "Devil" of course turns into our anger etc. But in fact the devil is just the "bad" "immoral" side of emotion.

When in fact humans encompass it all. So why can't we worship other humans, that seems more realistic. Shit THE SUN seems more realistic to worship than an "idea" above the clouds.

But what i'm leading to is just the revolution again, the more and more i think and read about it, the more and more convinced of its nature. It could do amazing things for this world and the people in it.
It would make us all better people. It would create friendship bonds that would never break, it would create love between humans, the better experiance of god.

Buddists are Buddists not because they have faith in anything, but because they experianced something.
Through meditation they FELT they EXPERIANCED a state of semi-nirvana. Thats better than any fucking christian i heard. That they SAW something, or they FELT THE LORD WITHIN THEM.

"God is too limiting"-- Buddha

Buddists actual have proof that their religion works, they are living nature of the existance that their beliefs are true. THey don't have to wait till they die... they don't have to have faith in a beyond power.
They focus on the end of suffering, not just for themselves but for everyone.

But in all of this, i guess i'm behind a few years... I mean everything i've said...
John Lennon already thought of..
Just listen to Imagine

"Imagine theres no heaven... its easy if you try...no hell below us..... above us only sky... imagine all the people.... living for today... ah-ah-ah-ah-ah."
"Imagine all the people living life in peace." "Imagine all the people sharing all the world."

"You may say i'm a dreamer... but i'm not the only way... i hope some day you'll join us... and the world will be as one."

Call me a hippie, call me a zen lunatic, call me crazy, call me pyscho.
But everything i've said, has to come true. And i'm doing everything i can to push it along the way.
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