Nov 11, 2009 09:22
Here we are.
My last night in Japan.
The country I longed so much for. The country I needed to see. The place I thought my heart lied.
The country where I learned who I am.
The country that changed me forever.
Am I sad?
Slightly. I'll miss nearly everything about this place.
Do I have regrets?
Not a single one.
Do I regret leaving?
I once thought that coming here was all I wanted to do with my life. I truly had no plans for the future.
Coming here has shown me the way.... the path to becoming what I want to become... to doing what I want to do...
The person I am. The person I aim to be.
I have learned that I am strong and that I can do whatever I put my mind and heart to do. I am the only thing standing in my way.
In so many ways coming here was not what I thought it would be. I thought I would come here and learn Japanese and have great success and fall in love and live the life.
Yes, I lived the life.... but not the one I thought I would live.
I learned Japanese. I am close to fluency.... but I still struggle with nerves when speaking. I cannot speak with confidence. I will continue on in Japanese but probably within the anime community... as I have learned that I have a very good skill I never thought I could have: translation.
I had no business success but I did have work that adds to my now impressive resume for my young age.
And most importantly... I learned where my heart really lies.
My life was never lacking romance in Japan but my heart was never in it... and that was a very important and startling lesson for me.
Now I must say goodbye to this family and spread my wings and go out into the world with all these new lessons at my side.
And I couldnt be more excited.
I'm going home.