Short Updating post on stuff.

Jan 07, 2015 05:06

(Cross posted from A Gentlewoman's Blog:

Wow, it has been half a year since I wrote in this blog last. That’s a long time. I am out of practice it would seem.

So, what have I been doing? Well, I mostly finished the wood chair I had been working on, although I have not had the chance to decorate it. I’m not happy with the wood finish I put on it, so I’ve stalled on it trying to figure out what to do. It scuffs too much. I’ve not taken photos that I recall, but will check the files later.

I’ve not done any work on the wooden boxes. I have the pattern, and someday they will get done.

The banner remains unpainted.

The blackwork for the shirt was finished, but the gold plaitwork embroidery has not begun.

I have been sick with the flu and bronchitis during December, so many of my projects went on hold until very recently. There is one project that I started up a few days ago, and shared the photo on my FB page.

Laurel Gown interlace progress image, (c) Kimiko Small, 2015. Click to view larger image.

This section will get cut up and appliqued to one of the hanging sleeves to my Laurel Gown, along with other panels. That is why it is being done on an angle, as the sleeve hems are curved. It should work, as the neck was done in a similar way. It was supposed to be done for 12th Night, but illness nixed those plans.

I’ve not done much artistically in the past six months, but this is a new year, and I’ve got a new computer to replace my dying laptop, working apps, programs and photo viewers, and other stuff, and lots of creative ideas to get working on. So, while it may be a slow start, I will be posting more.

Btw, I just edited an old post on a Jane Seymour image (an unusual portrait) to update the image, since the old image link was broken. It has a bigger image if you click on the small one. Give it a looksee here.

1501 to 1550, Clothing, Embroidery, Goldwork, Other Arts, embroidery, laurel_gown
(Cross posted from A Gentlewoman's Blog: Comments can be posted here or there.)

laurel_gown, embroidery

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