Creative But Slowly

Jul 02, 2014 21:03

(Cross posted from A Gentlewoman's Blog:

It has been a month since I posted last, but I have been slowly working on a few creative projects.

One project is a woodworking project. No, I’m not making it from wood, they are already made and purchased, from various sources. I am working on ideas on how to decorate the wooden items. One is a wooden narrow small box that I use for my sewing tools. Another is a set of 2 wooden poles that I need to finish so I can use them for my silk banner. And the final is a lovely, well crafted portable break-down chair I bought from Wildhare Woodworks last GWW, and finally got a couple of weeks ago. I started sanding the wooden items, and filling in minor holes with wood putty, but then we hit 100+ temps and so since I have to do that outside it has been put on hold until the temps come down a little. I still haven’t figured out which design I posted on FB best, so I’m just letting those ideas stew a bit longer.

I did start painting my device on a canvas banner. Not much to show there really, just a big blob of yellow on the white canvas. I will share more later.

Last Sunday I worked on an illuminated letter that I’ve worked on and off since last year sometime. I added in the red squares this time, and started in on all the tiny little dots. I hope to get it turned in to the Kingdom soonish. I just hadn’t realized when I chose to do background diapering that all those tiny squares, and then all the white work dots, would take so long to do. I just thought it would be cool to add to make the illumination more period looking.

illuminated L in Progress

Sorry I didn’t add in something for scale. It is about 3.5 inches square, more or less. And don’t those dots really change the character of the background colors?

I have also been working nearly every day for the past couple of weeks on my current blackwork project, which I hadn’t touched in several months. I am trying to do at least 15 minutes, but often do an hour or so of stitching time which is getting me closer to done faster.

[caption id=”" align=”alignnone” width=”800″>
Blackwork Shirt Progress

The above image (both done up courtesy of a new iPad app I am trying called InstaCollage) shows both the full overview on top, and a detailed image below where I last left off. You can see the scale for the detailed shot, which is not the same as the full overview.

This as I may have mentioned before is using cotton pearl thread so it can be machine washable. The narrow outlined path will be filled in with gold thread in a plaited braid design once all the blackwork is done. The design is called Murano, and was purchased from Practical Blackwork. When finished, the pieces will be cut and applied on top of the high necked shirt I plan to make to go with it.

I had finished off the portion that will go down the front slit, which is why it is a deep U shape that you can only see a part of. The newer part is the collar, which will go to nearly the other edge of the fabric for a full 17.5″ for my neck (I want a tad extra just in case), and need about another 7″ more to go. Then I do 2 pieces for the cuffs, although the pattern will shift to a narrower version. I am planning this for early Elizabethan, and for everyday wear, so the cuffs will be wider than in period just to accommodate the embroidery. I am hoping to finish this in the next few months, so slow and steady will get me there.

So, that’s the current state of my creative side. I have other ideas I need to work on soon for various reasons, which should keep me very busy this month. So hopefully more stuff to share with you all soon.

So, what have you been doing creatively lately?

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Blackwork, Embroidery, Other Arts, Scribal, Uncategorized, accessories, embroidery, modern_clothes, photos, scribal
(Cross posted from A Gentlewoman's Blog: Comments can be posted here or there.)

accessories, scribal, embroidery, photos, modern_clothes

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