Collegium & class handout.

Mar 26, 2013 18:51

This past weekend I went to, and taught a class at, the kingdom of Caid's Collegium Caidis. It was a lot of learning fun, with classes from painting illuminated jewels, to making a feather quill and oak gall ink, and learning secretarial hand from Master Thomas so I can hopefully decipher tailor's warrants now (I need a lot more practice in reading, let alone writing the hand).

Like I mentioned, I also taught a class, called Overcoming the Sleevil. I was told it was one of the best class names for the weekend. Those who sew, who have experienced the issues with sleevils knew exactly what the class was about. I did have folks ask about the name and for the most part they were not costumers, with one new costumer who hadn't had to deal with fitted sleeves yet.

The class went well, and I had around a dozen students, I think. I was informed from some that the class really helped them to understand sleeves better, and I can only hope the others learned something new as well. However, since my experience is late period, and many in the class wore vikings or roman styles, I'm not sure how well it will translate across the time spectrum, but it was a start I hope.

I've now recovered from the weekend, got my notes into a pdf format, and uploaded it to my web site. You can find it at the top of my Workshops & Articles page. Please let me know if there are any problems with the handout, so I can improve it for when I teach it next.

scribal, sca, classes

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