Sewing room purge, Books for sale

Mar 12, 2013 21:41

I doing some purging in my sewing room, just started. One start is a pile of books that I would like to find new homes for. The list is on my FB notes page, since I can make that one public.

I will be adding more books to it this week (planning on weekly updates for a bit), and other items will be going up for sale soon. What doesn't sell gets donated or trashed, depending.

(x-posted to my personal blog.)

Was told the FB page is not showing up for those not on FB without creating an account. So here is the list.

Costume / Sewing

Victorian Costuming Volume I: 1840 to 1865. by Janet Winter & Carolyn Savoy. This needs a
new home. Read a few times but in good condition. Lowest online price
used copy is $25.00, asking $20.

Ancient European Costume and Fashion by Herbert Norris, Dover edition. Bought new, never read. Asking $8.00.

Eyewitness Books: Costume by L. Rowland-Warne. Great for kids and adults. Mostly full color. Asking $5.00

Echoes of Glory-Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy, Time-Life book.
Hardcover. Only read once in great condition. Lots of photos with
costume details. Would like to sell as set with next book. $39.95 List,
asking $15.

Echoes of Glory-Arms and Equipment of the Union, Time-Life book.
Hardcover. Only read once in great condition.
Lots of photos with costume details. Would like to sell as set with
previous book. $39.95 List, asking $12 (thinner than previous book).


New Needlecraft Project Book : Over 60 Inspired Embroidery, Needlpoint,
Patchwork and Quilting... by Lucinda Ganderton (1996, Hardcover).
Asking $5.


Wives and Daughters : The Women of Sixteenth Century England by Kathy Lynn
Emerson (1984, Paperback) This copy is water damaged in one corner but
still a good book. I'm not researching historical women to portray at
faire, so this needs a new home. Lowest online price used copy is $15.
Asking $10.

Past Into Present, by Stacy F. Roth. List
Price: USD 28.95. Asking $15.00 Only read once, but not into
interpreting at events much.

Bittersweet Within My Heart : The Love Poems of Mary, Queen of Scots by Robin Bell (1992, Hardcover). Read once. Asking $2.

Echoes of Glory-Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy and Echoes of Glory-Arms and Equipment of the Union - see above under Costume/Sewing.


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