Updating my web site

Jan 20, 2013 19:35

It has been a long time since I've added sections or completed projects to my web site, so I spent the past couple of days working on updates.

I added in a section just for my SCA resume, to list what I have created during my time in the SCA, and what accomplishments I've done. You can find that section starting here, as Joan Silvertoppe's SCA Resumé.

As to the projects, they areAll three new posts also have in-progress photo albums linked to their main page.

I have a few more items that need photos before I can do up their pages, which if the weather holds I hope to do this week. Sunlight is often best for photography, when I can. I'm also working on a new blog area, which will cross post to here. I'm just being held up by technical glitches.

And I hope to do up a book review tomorrow, once I figure out which one to work on.

shortgown, embroidery, sca, other

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