IT is done!

Feb 03, 2012 17:57

A short time ago, I finally finished the long Heraldic Embroidery project. I then took it outside to the setting sun and took photos of it.

Heraldic Embroidery Finished!

The whole embroidery is done! It took about 5 hours over a few days to put the spangles on. Total embroidery time: 224.6 hours.

But because it was waning sunlight, I ended up blocking the sunlight with my own body or camera, so only one photo really ended up decent enough to share. I'll take more and better photos this weekend, again in the sunlight since that really allows all the colors to show at their best, and of course the sparkle of the gold to shine.

Next up will be steaming this, gluing the back threads, then putting it on the backing made to the right size. While I hope to have time to make the casket, I most likely won't rush that and will only enter in the completed embroidery. I need to do a write up on the whole thing, with photos. I took various pics that I've not shared here (I am bad at doing that, sorry), and will compile the best of them to share, both online, and for the competition next weekend.

But it is done, and I can relax, and start working on other projects which wait in the wings.

embroidery, heraldic_embroidery

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