Pondering my stash (with a poll at the end)

Oct 03, 2011 23:35

No, not that kind of stash. Fabric, trim, pattern, etc. stash is what I mean.

Coming in from the post I made in my personal blog, at sstormwatch. The other thing I am pondering is not related to anything renaissance, faire, SCA or anything like that. My MAAS Embroideress project was almost, about 97% from my stash of fabrics. The only thing I bought was the red silk I used for trimmings, and some thread for the red kirtle. Everything else came from the stash I've accumulated over my adult years.

This stash is the focus of what I want to work on next, and I want to document/blog about it. But it is not my usual focus. My plans are mostly for household textile goods, drapes, pillows, carrying cases, purses, etc. It is also for modern clothing as well, since I've got a small stash of patterns as well that I want to use. And trims, lots of trims I've not touched, and am unlikely to use in my historical stuff. It will also deal with my fantasy coat/vest that I've longed to work on, since I've got most of the fabric in said stash.

The reason why I am pondering using the stash is simple. For all the stash I've bought over the years, for all the dreams, ideas, concepts that guided what I bought, I know all too clearly you can't take it with you when you are gone. I've focused a lot on renaissance clothing, and some of the stash I have is not really the best stuff to make the period stuff I want to make, but it is still good stuff. I need to focus on the stuff I've let sit on the back burner for too long. I also really, badly, need modern clothes to wear.

I also have desires to buy better fabrics in the future, but really, really don't have room for more until at least half of my fabric is used up or gone. And since I tried to clear my stash, and can't seem to actually part with anything, I may as well use it, even for mockups. And in the process, I hope to not only improve my wardrobe, and make up much needed drapes, but also figure out what it is I really can get rid of, sell, donate or whatever.

What I am thinking about is giving myself a challenge, to make one garment, project, whatever each week for 52 weeks, and only use stash items to do this with. I want to blog about this on its own, as a challenge, but I'm not sure how interesting it will be. I am pondering doing this on a blog of its own (thinking blogger to tie into my G+ account), or a tag in this sewing blog, that documents the use of the sewing stash. But I don't know if it would bore the readers here to tears, if anyone else cares, or what?

So, with all that said, let me ask the readers here to please answer this poll:
Poll Stash Stuff blogging?

ideas, other

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