Gable hood... mulling my night.

Apr 05, 2010 00:15

Actually starting to work on things again, outside of my computer that is. I've been busy working on next week's Collegium Caidis classroom stuff, mostly gathering pics and putting thoughts down into a presentation for the two classes on Tudor clothing. Still have work to do there. But I did promise a friend I would get her a gable hood for her to use in her classroom, so I figured I should get my arse in gear and actually finish the darn thing that I started how long ago? Hmmm... (looks at old post) last July, which is too long really.

So tonight I got the pieces out from my messy sewing room, and starting glueing on the mulling fabric to it. This time I am trying out recycling an old Micro$oft t-shirt, and am finding I really like how it is working. It's stretchy, so I don't have to clip out curves much, and with my pinking shears I don't have to worry about it unraveling, which is nice, too. I will see how well I can sew into it, but the best part so far is that the fluff amount attaching to my fingertips is almost non-existant. This compares well to that crappy mulling I got a few years ago.

And I did something I thought I would never do. I decided to actually duct tape parts of the hood together. It is the little box at the back of the head. It is a decorative element, has no load bearing part to it, and will be completely hidden by the black fabric I use. So why not! Saves me a little time, and saves my fingertips a little pain from not having to sew the edges together by hand. I am sure in time it may come apart, but hopefully by that point I will need a new gable hood and will make it up properly.

So, while the clips are holding the mulling on till it dries, here's a little pic to show you what the parts look like so far. Excuse the blur... digital phone camera is rather crappy, but I didn't want to waste real film on this project.

Mulling of gable hood

The various parts of the gable hood, some of which are mulled with old t-shirt fabric.

I am trying to figure out if I want to mull the frontlet portion or not. I ran out of clips tonight, but I am also not sure if it needs the extra padding or what. I plan on glueing a double string of faux pearls to the top of it - as most jewels I have I just don't like the look of, and I am feeling rather blah about it as far as being really decorated. I'll figure it out tomorrow and mull if needed.

Well, bedtime is sort of calling... eventually.

gable hood

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