Project plans

Sep 01, 2009 01:04

I've been busy the past few nights helping to proof the final instructions for the Tudor Lady's Wardrobe, at least for the historical content. I just e-mailed it back to Margo. Soon folks, it will be out soon.

And now I want to get back to making something, sewing something, but I've got a bunch of ideas floating in my head. So I figured I should write them down to get some idea of what I should work on first, second, and sew on.

  1. Late Elizabethan ruff. Must be done asap, because someone has requested to borrow it for Shaver Lake faire (I will be working with my Barony, not court). Tomorrow I will wash the linen.
  2. Finish watchet blue loose gown for my visit to Casa de Fruita on the 26th (hopefully not burned away between now and then). I've got a lot of closures to make up, and need to order silk threads for the buttons. Or may just make up buttons from the black cord itself, which may or may not be fully period. As I am getting tired of the thing, that sounds like a better option for me.
  3. Adjust Tudors for current body for Hanford in early Oct. Includes revising the bodice to a higher point, and removing the linen lining that ended up heavier than expected. I will keep the train, so I need to make the sash holder thingy or do something else to the train.
  4. Finish making the gable hood for Hanford.
  5. Make up a warm Tudor loose gown, with faux fur lining. Must be done for GWW (man its cold at night) and for Kearney Faire. I have pretty fabric already, and the furs, too. Just need to make up parts of the pattern.
  6. I would like to make a basic early Tudor gown as well for GWW, but still not sure if I have time. I do have the green wool flannel from my stash. If I get the loose gown done quickly enough I will make this. If not... it can wait.
  7. 2 Jedi Cloaks for the kids for Halloween. Also need to make part of their padawan clothing, too.
  8. The usual drapes for the house that have been on my todo list for far too long.

And for a change of pace now and again, I must continue working on my scroll assignment, as I want to turn it in at GWW in October, as I won't be around to give it to anyone down south after that point. I think one day a week at least is a good thing to shoot for.

accessories, gable hood, sca, ideas, watchet gown

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