(no subject)

Mar 30, 2010 01:12

On a different topic while my mind whirs along without sleep... I went by Ninya's site again, chasing something else down, and finding this page with it's lovely outfit, again. It is the blue garment with embroidery she made up, 1590s style, that I had seen before in their book. Cool, I figured I would drool over the embroidery of the stomacher... when something I had been musing about with my own outfit, hit me in the face with her outfit.

Here's my own outfit page, although looking at this page, I see that my issue isn't visible in any of the images. Even my other images offline don't really show it well, but I know it is there. But the hanging sleeves are hiding the issue... the problems that is.

1. My front point of the bodice is not far enough down the front. In other words, it needs to be several inches longer. Part of that issue is that I made it as far down as the pattern called for but since I am wider, it doesn't look nearly as pointy as it would be on thinner gals. So, it needs to be done with a much longer point to overemphasize this. I will have to do this on the next outfit in this style that I make.

2. My farthingale does exactly what Ninya's does... it is curved downward from the weight of the skirts, and on me, the farthingale is really not wide enough... because again I am wider than the thinner originals, so it doesnt look as wide as it should. Proportions and all that.

Here's a few links to compare with original images:

I know there is droop seen in the portraits, but it is the amount of drop of my skirts that bothers me. I think that the bumroll providing support to my farthingale top needs to be made... differently to help counteract the amount of drop. I wonder if I stuck in a wedge along the back seam if that might do something to help. Well... when I prep my outfit for Visalia, I will have to remake the roll and see if that does the trick.

And with all that, maybe my mind can shut up now and get some real sleep.

1590s b&w gown, french farthingale

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