Gable hood, the base of it

Jul 08, 2009 23:36

Yesterday I finished up the buckram cutting, and pattern mods for the outer fabrics. Today I am slowly ... very slowly, hand sewing the millinery wire to the buckram base. It was getting annoying, as the cotton sewing thread I was using, even with heavy waxing, was coming apart under the tension, or falling out of the needle, which being a millinery needle was very frustrating trying to get the thread back into the eye. I finally dragged out from my sewing room give away pile my old polyester threads, and it ended up working better, but still not well. Tomorrow I am going to hunt up my thicker white sewing silk thread and see if that will work any better.

Well... I at least have the main frame completely wired all around, and bent into proper shape, too. I am debating if I want to wire one edge of the back piece that otherwise would have no support. I have at least the square frame to wire, also by hand. I would do so by machine, but these corners would be a pain to try and maneuver by machine, so hand it is. But at this rate I will not be finished by the end of the week. But it should at least be covered with the flannel, if not the fabric coverings.

My plan is to finish what I can this week, then next week switch to all the other French hoods I need to finish up and get those completed. Then at least a day or two to make up a new large ruff, also mostly by hand, and get it dipped into starch to allow to dry for a few days. And somewhere get in the writeups and other images I need for my class. How many days till CoCo? If I get all that done... then I will come back and finish the gable hood, so it may or may not be finished by CoCo... but at least one can try it on.

One day at a time...

gable hood

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