Oct 13, 2007 18:47
My brother applied for a job as a security guard at some prison out in Phoenix. The kid is getting desperate for a decent job and is applying everywhere. I actually feel bad for him. He got a job working third shift at the ice rink and he's not too happy with that. So he's been applying to other places. Anyways, he had a couple interviews for this prison job and they went fine. He was asked to come back and take a lie dectector test. This would pretty much determine if he got the job. Well, he failed.
Question: What month is it?
Doug's answer: October
The lie detector test said that he lied on that question. And because of that, he lost the job. What the hell? Is it not October in Arizona? You would think the people giving him the test would clearly see that Doug was not lying. I guess it doesn't matter. So just how accurate are these lie detector tests? It makes me wonder.